Example sentences of "just [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 He cocked his head to one side as if he had just realised something awful .
2 Do n't bring down the box just bring something , one thing .
3 if they just bring one , I shall say well I 've got choice then to say well is this this week 's or last week 's , now I do n't want to give them that opportunity to say well she 's worrying about one week 's wages , I mean Jan could love that and that 's given him chance to bring er , whereas if it pops through the door , or he comes
4 ‘ He just made one laugh so much , ’ he told me .
5 No doubt he had just given something to Mrs Files .
6 Yes , if I can just interject something here which I think is rather striking , when one used to go on holiday on the Continent , going to church was at the same time a bewildering an exciting experience because you could n't understand what was going on .
7 He 's , he 's already come in for one form put it , he 's obviously filled one form in , he came up and he said can I have an application form for that job in the window , so I gave him one and he went , oh well I 've just filled one in .
8 ‘ Ma'am , Maryann has just heard something … ’ she hesitated a little .
9 Erm , what I 'm , I 've just arranged somebody to redo our speaker syste our original system with tannoys , we blew our tannoys speakers , and I did n't bother getting them replaced because we were going for a rock crowd so we just used Bernie and Nigel
10 When I decided to hang it up , I just sold everything off .
11 If so should LA instruct SEGLAB to look for evidence of a schwa or should it just make one up ?
12 Right er may I just make one comment on by bringing the table show with Danny and er th champion of champions it er it er I do n't know how many people champion of champions ,
13 Yes it would , it would not be properly to , to just make one comment and that is that the next five hundred thousand that the local is therefore two point six million from the reserve fund , that is substainable for two and a half years it is not substainable beyond .
14 I think erm most of the points as I 've said before , have probably been made and I do n't want to make them any more but I would just make one other when we 're talking about means tested it 's interesting that you 're advocating means testing in that way .
15 I mean they do n't they just make everybody worse off .
16 You ca n't feel benevolent and sympathetic , you ca n't just want everything to be nice , as if Jack were a child , and as if I were a child .
17 It must be remembered that you do not just want someone whose opinion is going to carry weight but someone who is also going to provide persuasive evidence both in their report and at trial .
18 So it just records everything that 's going on .
19 Just turns everything sour .
20 I 'll just eat anything .
21 One was just biding one 's time . ’
22 He is not the type to go to the pub and just pick someone up .
23 I just chucked everything in that I had , did it , in the box and we were out before seven .
24 But actually ’ — Agnes 's voice became pure Oxford ( the university not the town ) — ‘ that was just Track One was n't it ? — cover in case we noticed anything on Track Two which was a small destabilisation group .
25 Probably just hates everybody !
26 Just eat something !
27 Who 's blue ? just got one up there .
28 you 've got a lump ? , you just got one , aagh where 'd you get that from ?
29 You want one of those for wine , you just got one
30 the apartments that going , we just supply one .
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