Example sentences of "also [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Some Environmental Health Departments may have agencies who can deal with this part for you — Ask them — Social Services also may have help available — Ask your Occupational Therapist .
2 It also may have answered a few queries over which he may have pondered in his youth and then discarded to the rear of his mind for later consideration .
3 By analogy with other Zechstein carbonate units , it is possible that an oolitic-barrier or reef complex also may have been deposited at the edge of the platform but no evidence of this has been reported so far .
4 Travel back into those mists of time and you will meet many who have gone before and who also may have experienced these sudden sea frets , for that is what these mists are .
5 Archosaurs , the forerunners of dinosaurs , also probably lost heat through their surface skin , or perhaps they had air sacs beneath the skin to effect further cooling , and which also may have made them lighter on their feet .
6 The simplification of criminal procedure also may have discouraged false cases because defendants were put to less inconvenience when the charge had little or no evidence to substantiate it .
7 It also may have a significant effect on the problems of Lloyd 's .
8 As Mary admitted she liked to see the videos first alone — she also may have found the situation rather threatening .
9 According to Gregory , Chlodomer 's kingdom was divided equally between Childebert and Chlothar , but in so far as this division can be reconstructed it appears not to have been confined to the two brothers ; there are grounds for thinking that Theuderic also may have profited from the murders .
10 Some of us also may have pictures that we like but can not use because of lack of space , changing decor or whatever .
11 Lifts also should have a micro sensitive pad at the bottom which means the lift will cut out and stop the moment it touches or lands on anything .
12 Another factor also should have brought the French staff to this conclusion : the great fortress , and its double defensive ring of 21 smaller forts , had recently been shorn of many guns for service elsewhere on the Western Front .
13 ‘ I 'd like a new member of staff to know they are there to help people who ca n't help themselves and they also must have one hell of a lot of patience !
14 Certainly Mike had all the time in the world to launch a right hook , but Patsy also must have had all the time in the world to see it , for he simply swayed back on his heels and the punch missed by over a foot .
15 It also must have given them much-needed protection , for the seas at this time were tyrannised by the huge , two-metre-long sea scorpions armed with massive claws which fed on the smaller creatures of the sea floor .
16 And as Mike also might have spoken , crossly and defensively , he said , ‘ It 'll get better .
17 He stood up again at what he thought was the sound of a lorry , which also might have been an aeroplane or a dry gust of wind in the trees behind the house .
18 United also might have had a penalty in the second half when City skipper , Keith Curle , appeared to push striker Mark Hughes over in his box , but referee Robert Hart , waved play on .
19 That also could have been predicted . ’
20 It also need have no privileges , since those required are passed to it by the initiator ( ie. the LIFESPAN Manager ) .
21 It may be so , but diplomatic calculation also would have persuaded both of them that it was better if Alice did not marry an Angevin .
22 If the non est factum case had succeeded , paragraph ( g ) also would have been in point , both against the daughter and against the chargees .
23 The initial rate of expansion also would have had to be chosen very precisely for the rate of expansion still to be so close to the critical rate needed to avoid recollapse .
24 The warm night air had quite gone to his head , and had Araminta not been quite so very unattainable , doubtless other parts also would have shared his intoxication .
25 The bill also would have also allowed registration by mail and at unemployment and welfare offices .
26 The brochure also would have outlined a number of other aspects in in more detail than I could give you on the phone .
27 Er can I er I I started to comment on about the er er bank accounts and which are y you know er my the reaction that I saw was all round the table er I think we would go further but er any company handling pension funds should carry pensions somewhere in their names on all on all their paperwork etcetera so that everybody 's totally clear that they are dealing with pension funds and er er to agree with a comment that you made in one of your earlier reports that er designation of bonus of shares of pension funds should be clearly er marked on those shares er that also would have a at least alerted these financial institutions as once again that they were handling stocks belonging to pension funds and they still ignored it in that that w case that they did , but er they would have not had the excuse that er apparently some of them have made that er they were not aware that these were pension fund assets .
28 This proved to be a serious mis-calculation when the opportunity came at Barnsley Park in 1961 , which also will have to be told elsewhere .
29 It 's a draft document that will be in fact circulated to Town Councils for their opinion and also will have dis on display to the public in the near future .
30 Were in the , the first floor of the Town Hall , erm along the corridor with , where the General Manager 's office is and most of us can be found in there , so erm it is , I just think it 's interesting for you to see how the things link up because , those of you that have contact with the Community Development Team will know that over at Latton Bush there is a Community Resource Centre , er that you can use , well that 's linked in with us , and we provide information for us , so it 's important that you know that if you go there , you also can have a connection with the Local Government Unit as as well , as a whole like the Policy Team if you , if you want information or anything .
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