Example sentences of "good it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly there is no trick to it , for the oftener one plays a thing through , the better it goes , and even the poorest conductors profit from this .
2 There is a wilful scorn for the problem on the Right , and a wilful fantasy on the Left that the worse it gets the better it gets — the people will rise in spontaneous combustion the more intense is their misery .
3 In the circumstances it 's in very good condition ; we 'd expect it to be far worse than this but the more we uncover the better it gets .
4 Yes , the more you can do , the better it gets .
5 ‘ The more processed it is , the better it sounds to me !
6 The highlight grid which produces alternate light and dark background character cells does n't work with dark backgrounds and while the second grid is better it reduces all the colours to magenta or white making it almost useless for anything other than outlining .
7 it is better it 's got erm , there are things I think one of the , I 'm
8 The better it works , the lower is the rate of unemployment compatible with stable inflation — ie , the lower the NAIRU .
9 The more weather worn the pot gets , the better it looks .
10 The earlier she was killed , the better it looks for Willard because he was in college till gone five , right ? ’
11 I would n't disagree with Mr in what he said about the more cuts we have the better it looks and so it stands to reason it 's a question of cost .
12 Odd , of course , a bit zany , but the odder the book the better it tends to do nowadays .
13 I let myself unwind at last — how good it feels to be back in the field , especially in this cinnamon-scented corner of the mortal sphere .
14 Sometimes , when I have to make precious substances such as toenail cheese or belly-button fluff , I have to go without a shower or bath for days and days ; I hate doing this because I soon feel dirty and itchy , and the only bright thing about such abstinence is how good it feels to have a shower at the end of it .
15 No wonder , it may be thought , that the broadcasters were unanimous to finding these restrictions too severe ; some argued that the Commons itself , by these restrictions , was giving a false and misleading impression to the audience , especially because of the absence of reaction shots ; Anne Lapping , the editor of A Week In Politics , said ‘ the more freedom you let the cameras have , the more good it does to the Mother of Parliaments ’ .
16 In some cases the territory is so good it does n't matter that a female has to share it with other females .
17 I say : " And a fat lot of good it does me . "
18 They 're quite good it looks better than them for office do n't it ? they 're dual power battery and solar
19 Yep very good it comes to a twelfth .
20 Which is good it stops animals
21 Very good it 's not got so much oxygen .
22 You 've no idea how good it 's been for me out here .
23 Done 'im a world of good it 'as .
24 yep , good it has that creative element about it does n't it because as you say if you get them to produce it get the audience to help produce it then again it 's involvement and the whole thing is is erm more spontaneous than than pre-prepared .
25 At its best it remains one of the few areas of the modern press where imagination , honesty and idealism , however fatuous , can still , occasionally , be found .
26 Because according to the best it hurts all the way .
27 Labourism has failed to produce a politics of private life which is not patriarchal ; at best it pities the dole-queue mothers , at worst it scorns them .
28 Criticism reworks the relations of past and present , and at its best it does so dynamically , intervening in the past and the present to offer changed perspectives .
29 The best it hopes for now is to stop things getting worse .
30 At best it seems , a national strike would have developed into a bitter war of attrition which the unions , with their meagre resources , could only have lost .
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