Example sentences of "only [that] they " in BNC.

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1 He twice turned down the chance to become Secretary General of Nato , and the ideas on defence and deterrence outlined here compare favourably with much of the output of the Beltway Bandits and their fellow theorists in Paris or Moscow , save only that they are more readably expressed .
2 We had owned the Sumatras for just a few months , but already we had seen that they are volatile and eccentric birds , much given to sudden screech-ups and bouts of cackling , which in other chickens would denote the arrival of an egg , but from them seem to signify only that they have given themselves a fright .
3 It is n't only that they enjoy commercial success and critical acclaim , but because they are , in the jargon of the trade , ‘ good copy ’ — talkative , controversial , witty and opinionated on a whole range of topics .
4 I knew only that they happened there in the darkness and only a few feet from the pavements .
5 The fact is that Mr Kinnock and his friends understand well enough not only that they could not be elected but that Britain could not be governed without some serious accommodations of the kind they now stand for .
6 That is not to say that British citizens in the legal sense have no rights , only that they are not part of the express legal concept of citizenship .
7 When I refer to ‘ large quantities ’ I mean only that they are large in comparison with the amount of other types of bait one would normally use , i.e. 1lb of tares represents many thousands of particles , whereas 1lb of groundbait is a small amount .
8 It is certain only that they passed through Dulverton , and within a week were home once more , bringing with them ‘ many pleasant , and some of them droll enough , recollections ’ .
9 The company says only that they are ‘ being used within the group to get some money back ’ .
10 It is not therefore assumed that people have a' consciousness ' ( false or otherwise ) or a system or knowledge about the outside world , but only that they have a more or less adequate collection of competences in dealing with particular instances of it .
11 Richard stepped into the flat silently and saw only that they were in a wide hallway before the door closed behind him .
12 Bonefish Straker reckoned that some Bahamian kids must have stolen the boat as a means of getting home , but we would never know who had wrecked her , only that they had removed a dinghy load of gear including her chronometer , sextant , VHF , barometer , spare sails , lines , fenders , and even the mattress off the starboard quarter-berth .
13 He knew very little about tests done on blood from bones , only that they could be carried out .
14 It is dangerous to simplify law , but our understanding is that to convict someone of a serious crime like theft , we normally have to prove not only that they committed the alleged act , but also that they knew it was wrong .
15 He even posed for the newspaper photographers , insisting only that they refrain from taking behind-the-bars type pictures .
16 A comparison of the three Gospels shows not only that they have a great deal in common but also that , in many cases , the wording of individual stories is either identical or very similar ( for example , compare Mark 2:3–12 ; Matt.
17 Owing to Amal 's seclusion as a female , she could not identify her attackers by name , only that they were acquaintances of her brother .
18 They acknowledged only that they had been playing loud music and having innocent fun .
19 They have forgotten who they are , knowing only that they have been trapped by an evil enchanter .
20 But dumb animals are incapable of considering themselves in this light ; which is not to imply that human beings always do , only that they can normally be expected to if required .
21 The administration has n't made up its mind yet , saying only that they will be two independent entities ; those that have been briefed say that they will not be the National Security Agency or the law enforcement agencies .
22 The Jot 1.0 specification is designed to enable applications to share handwritten notes , sketches , signatures and other free-form data across the generality of computers from hand-held devices to mainframes , so that if someone scrawls a note and sends it over a modem , it will turn up at the other end as handwriting , regardless of the sending and receiving machines , provided only that they both implement Jot 1.0 .
23 Shoemaker asserts that Tunguska-like explosions should be a common fate of small bolides entering the terrestrial atmosphere , provided only that they are less strong than iron objects .
24 In the needs that I am proposing there is no claim to their universality over time and place , only that they are broadly applicable to most contemporary Western societies ( more or less ) .
25 As slaves were to be found in all the American colonies and were an important , though perhaps not a vital , part of the economy of Virginia , Maryland , and the Carolinas , the Georgians were asking only that they should be allowed to do what everyone else did .
26 This is not to say that other injections and leakages are less significant , only that they are less easy for governments to control .
27 soc : Only that they 're not queues .
28 He allows that they are individually necessary , and argues only that they need supplementing .
29 We did not tell pupils how to organise the interviews , only that they were all to participate .
30 Neither knew what had happened to the upper-crust types , only that they would not be welcome now .
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