Example sentences of "only [vb pp] of " in BNC.

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1 Bernard went into hiding and was only heard of again when news reached the Israeli Mossad that he had been assassinated in a car-bomb attack in Beirut .
2 The site was only advertised locally and my company only heard of the proposed sale via the foreman of a site in the same vicinity .
3 I 've only heard of it at the fashion college .
4 Surreptitiously , I tried it , it did n't work , so I placed a coin on the palm of my hand , still it did n't work and I then discovered that the magnet was only made of wood .
5 " Fressen " is only used of humans when the speaker wishes to be rude or sarcastic .
6 Fear that I have only dreamed of moving forward , that when I go in and face it I will see that it is a mistake , not possible , uninteresting .
7 They took her to a small , perfect restaurant , where she had never been before , and fed her on soup and fish and meat and cheese , all of a quality and in quantities she had only dreamed of during the war .
8 The way I see it , Butch has never had an orgasm before she meets this wonderful guy , who shows her a world she 's only dreamed of , a world of Othello jets and Caribbean mansions , a world of
9 She was silent for a moment , helplessly imagining what the ‘ all ’ he spoke of would be like ; passionate possession of the most delicious kind invaded her thoughts , an ecstasy so far only dreamed of — fierce and completely fulfilling …
10 Unlike Virginia Woolf she did not seek ‘ new words and new methods ’ for women on earth , but only dreamed of a heavenly free-space .
11 Mrs Kemp and her solicitor were refused access to that meeting , and were only told of the outcome some time later .
12 He was only told of the burglary last night as he visited his sister , Anne Marie , in Hoddesdon , Herts .
13 Undoubtedly , this reorganization of the Northumbrian Church pleased Theodore , who secured the establishment o additional bishoprics north of the Humber , and Ecgfrith , who was not only rid of a bishop whom he did not want but able also to secure the appointment of men whom he personally favoured , men generally prepared to deal sensitively with the legacy of the Scottish mission in a post-Whitby era .
14 Are we only born of the flesh or are we born of the spirit ?
15 When state-supported secondary education was introduced in 1878 , a denominational system was officially set up , though at this time the system was only availed of by the few families who could afford to lose the labour of young teenagers .
16 But in between all these things something happens which is only spoken of in hushed whispers .
17 Then he arose and took leave of the people , weeping plenteously , and returned to the Alcazar , and betook himself to his bed , and never rose from it again ; and every day he waxed weaker and weaker , till seven days only remained of the time appointed .
18 WIDOW Judith Pratley only learned of her husband 's mountain of debts when a bailiff tried to repossess her home 24 hours after his suicide .
19 To undertake this kind of management requires considerable knowledge and close personal relations between central and field workers , qualities only bred of confidence and maturity of judgement which can only come with time .
20 In the second case , however , compulsory acquisition at less than market price involves an actual loss since the owner is not only deprived of his property but is also compensated at a price which might be less than he paid for it and would almost certainly be insufficient to purchase a similar parcel of land in the open market .
21 But this is not a good enough reason to have a large military arsenal since peace-keeping forces in the past have only consisted of soldiers and personal defence weapons .
22 That is one of the things that writing does : it entices the reader into an ‘ unreal ’ world , a world ‘ really ’ only composed of funny marks on a page , and through those marks makes the reader consider something which may form no part of normal life .
23 To one old abolitionist in 1840 the annual meeting of the BFASS was ‘ only composed of whig radicals ’ and marked a break from the political and religious ecumenicism of the antislavery tradition .
24 I think I did see him die , with the look of utter peace I had only read of previously .
25 The Department of Education was only informed of his decision last night .
26 Newton only learnt of the charge on Monday , two days before the county appeared in front of the TCCB .
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