Example sentences of "give he the " in BNC.

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1 Just because the guy can drop names we have all heard of and used to know Bruce McLaren does n't give him the right to bore us every week .
2 I am sure that you will give him the same affirmation and support you gave to me when I arrived .
3 The top chasers have a habit of being able to give weight and a beating to their more humble rivals and although Barnbrook Again appears to have been given a stiff task in conceding 8lb to Rusch de Farges , his two runs already this season should give him the advantage .
4 Next time he sends you greetings do give him the right salute instead of the two-fingered one .
5 Now , forty years on , there was at last the technology — laser-tracking CD video — that would give him the finest sound with the finest picture-resolution in a medium that was compatible with the new domestic sound system that would , by the early 1990s , render the LP largely obsolete .
6 When Michel Rocard was replaced by Edith Cresson on 15 May 1991 , his official letter of resignation made it clear that President Mitterrand had asked him to resign , even though the constitution does not give him the right ( the President is responsible for ‘ nominating ’ the Prime Minister and for approving the Cabinet , but not for dismissing him ) .
7 When our messenger arrives with the packaging for Grapevine , can you please give him the PAL masters for Business Assignments ?
8 In those days Madame would never stop him from drinking , would never put her hand out over his glass like a good or responsible woman is supposed to in such scenes ; Madame would give him the whole bottle , and say , quietly and sincerely , I hope you know what you 're doing .
9 Er … forgot who this is … so let's just give him the popular name ‘ Local ’ , when in fact he probably is n't .
10 This will allow John to expand and will give him the feeling that someone will listen to him .
11 These orders will give him the rules for the conduct of debate and committee work .
12 All I can do , Father Poole thought despairingly , is to try and give him the spiritual strength to resist such a temptation .
13 When his wife died he began to look around for another ; someone who would give him the children he needed .
14 Thus , once he has overcome his immediate problems of how to pay the wages , he will then require the development of an internal standard costing and budgetary control system which does give him the information he requires .
15 The state of the microscopist 's art is now such that the choice of instrument to use depends largely on what he wants to see , and in some applications the acoustic microscope may give him the sharpest pictures ever .
16 Although on friendly terms with Matthew Boulton before going to Birmingham , he would not give him the details of a cannon ‘ that the Americans have constructed on a new principle ’ .
17 If you are faced with a filthy horse on an equally filthy day , you can give him the equine equivalent of a bed bath .
18 Branfoot said : ‘ I will give him the chance to show what he can do . ’
19 A second place will give him the championship .
20 I 'd give him the order of the boot .
21 The reason for this , I later discovered , is that at yours there is likely to be a selection of friends and relations , one of whom in the course of discussion is bound to say , ‘ Come on , let's give him the best ! ’ and although he or she is very seldom the one who is paying for it , no one likes to appear mean at such a time — an attitude , I might add , of which the undertaker thoroughly approves !
22 ‘ I 'd willingly give him the belt but he would n't take it .
23 It is a blow to the American who was hoping that yesterday 's inquiry would give him the chance to press for an amendment to the existing whip rules .
24 Do n't you think we should give him the benefit of the doubt ? ’
25 We can give him the back up , but only Jamie knows if he 's hungry enough , self-centred enough .
26 Caledor does not draw the Sword of Khaine even though it would give him the power to defeat the Witch King .
27 She was shrewd enough to understand that the way he had been treated as a child would give him the added drive and determination to better himself .
28 I would n't give him the time of day if I could help it .
29 The appointment , as Lovat advised , ‘ would give him the rank of Lieut. & you could easily afterwards get him out of our companys to a marching reg[imen]t either as lieut[enant] or captain ’ .
30 Iago can turn anything into its opposite : under his tuition even Othello becomes a hypocrite , with difficulty — ‘ O , hardness to dissemble ! ’ he says ( III.iv.34 ) , like Coriolanus , feigning ‘ a salt and sorry rheum ’ so that Desdemona will give him the handkerchief ( III.iv.51 f . ) .
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