Example sentences of "give [noun pl] a " in BNC.

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1 The last general election , in June 1990 [ see pp. 37542-43 ] , had given deputies a two-year mandate to agree on a federal and regional constitutional framework .
2 If a statement of affairs has been lodged , the official receiver must also send a summary of it together with his observations on it unless he has previously reported to them and nothing material can be added , but if the lodging of a statement of affairs has been dispensed with , the official receiver must give creditors a summary of the bankrupt 's affairs ( amplified , modified or explained as he thinks fit ) ( rr 6.75 and 6.76 ) .
3 The council charter would give projects a boost .
4 It does give clients a stronger voice ’ .
5 Most politicians , and probably most of the general public , whatever their political party , regard it as in principle a sensible innovation , certainly one that will give parents a better notion of what they ought to expect , in whatever part of the country their children may go to school .
6 Nicolaus speculates that this could give ecologists a method of controlling predation on eggs of rare birds .
7 While Newmarket 's competitive card will examine punters ' emotions , there will be advice for the excitable at Cheltenham racecourse , where the Chest , Heart and Stroke Association will give visitors a ‘ Human MoT Test ’ .
8 Unconvinced of the healing powers of art , they can give artists-in-residence a hard time .
9 Givenchy 's Ivory Prism ( £18.50 ) will give cheeks a barely-there glow .
10 Nevertheless , receiving these manuals would give bureaux a chance to assess outside publications , to evaluate their use and to decide whether to subscribe to the updates independently .
11 Richard will give customers a complete make-over and advise them on colours .
12 We will give tenants a new Right to Improve , so they can receive compensation for certain home improvements which they undertake .
13 And the Plan would give Europeans a framework for activity which was removed from the institutions created to deal with the Cold War .
14 Do n't give problems a chance to grow and fester .
15 ‘ You did give things a bit of a stir , ’ Iris agreed .
16 The fund will give businesses a chance to develop which might otherwise not get off the ground . ’
17 Compared to conventional spreading , injection does give farmers a better chance to reduce their nitrogen bill , adds Mr Hann .
18 Often , conservative ex-communists , impatient radicals or politicians seeking to capitalize on popular discontent can give presidents a hard ride .
19 If Claris finishes off the program properly , then it 'll certainly give WindowWorks a run for its money .
20 A second would give patients a guaranteed right of access to the hospital of their choice , and general practitioners a right to refer patients to the consultant of their choice .
21 I was doing veterinary for two years and I wrote away to companies but they just were n't all that keen to ge give girls a chance .
22 A course in the history of science would lead those students of the humanities to a better understanding of the nature of science ; it would also give scientists a better understanding of the place of science in the history of culture .
23 There are many useful accessories available which will give curtains a professional finish .
24 It seems fitting that a film about everlasting childhood should be raising money that will help give children a chance of life beyond childhood .
25 ‘ Saturday promises to be a great day for the public and will give children a chance to see the cars which were made famous for them through the Back to the Future film . ’
26 And , by the way , do n't give children a low-cholesterol diet .
27 One thing which could give pagers a new lease of life is miniaturisation .
28 It operates mostly on labour-intensive , repetitive government forms rather than the wider variety of commercial printing work which would give men a marketable skill on release as well as a good work experience .
29 Margaret Nelson believes schools should give pupils a moral education which does not depend solely on religious belief .
30 ‘ As a starting point we would like to see some sort of voluntary test similar to the German system which would then give anglers a discount on the cost of a licence if they passed , ’ added Robin .
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