Example sentences of "only because it " in BNC.

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1 His ascent of Helvellyn is fascinating , not only because it can be followed in detail , but also because of his comment on his guide Partridge , from the Salutation Inn :
2 When the campaign opened , it was not immediately obvious which particular issues the parties would choose to stress ; but by the middle of the campaign it was clear that the Conservatives were focusing on defence issues where their policy was so much more popular than Labour 's , if only because it seemed so much simpler to explain .
3 Not exactly , if only because it is precisely at this point that Volpone shows how the normal is parasitic upon the perverse .
4 If I had to give a single criterion of that dubious category , the homosexual sensibility , it would be this connection between perversity and paradox — if only because it suggests why that sensibility does not exist as such .
5 Transgressive reinscription will always remain controversial , if only because it raises such disturbing questions about desire itself , making it profoundly social and thereby asking equally disturbing questions about culture , representation , and social process .
6 This whole question is of importance not only because it was so central to Engels 's book but also because The Origin has rightly been considered a major contribution to the feminist tradition .
7 The Boston text is more obviously an exhibition catalogue , if only because it includes a ‘ checklist ’ of the exhibition , which , ignoring the problematic identity of some of the works , distinguishes between works of art and other items ( books , tracts , pamphlets , etc. ) and also carefully identifies the status of individual exhibits by signifying their producer 's relationship to the formally identified Situationist group .
8 For long-distance cruising , the Calibra is the better choice , if only because it has a more absorbent and quieter motorway ride .
9 As we have already discussed , bright light acts as a time-cue in humans and so might be helping patients not only because it fell in a critical period ( though how this might work is still not known ) , but in addition , or instead , because it adjusted the body clock and so removed a conflict of timing between the patient 's body clock and his sleep/wake rhythm .
10 Suddenly , but predictably , the main actor enters the stage and speaks in a piercing voice , intelligible to me only because it is unmistakably one of alarm .
11 The large urban or dockside warehouse is a building type strongly related to the grander grain and textile mills , not only because it often stored the raw materials or products processed by these latter buildings , but also in its constructional composition .
12 And it stays put , not only because it 's in a tight squeeze , but because the microscopic sliced-through cells all around the cork 's perimeter act as an army of suction pads .
13 The group as a whole is in the black only because it has income from an American retailing chain Silo and from financial services and property deals in Britain .
14 But Mexico got this support only because it had sorted out its economy .
15 I say this last , only because it is at the bottom of my mind , deep hid and permanent , not because it is least .
16 He allows that , despite his claiming to have no consciousness of them , a court may punish a man for his drunken actions , but this is only because it can not be sure of distinguishing in the defendant 's plea ‘ what is real , what counterfeit ’ .
17 Justification by faith , similarly , is important only because it goes to the heart of what it is to be a follower of Christ .
18 Crawled until I could see the arrow only because it was pale against the bark , and knew I was already further away than when I 'd taken the last bearing .
19 It was only because it was repeatedly interrupted that it did not become all-pervasive , and ultimately intolerable .
20 The Regional Railways order made waves not only because it went to a newcomer in train-building .
21 The Regional Railways order made waves not only because it went to a newcomer in train-building .
22 The lysosome is called a ‘ suicide bag ’ said Prof Mayer , not only because it digests any waste materials by the use of powerful enzymes but also because this cocktail can kill off the cell .
23 It makes sense for this alternative establishment to be pro-European , not only because it is in tune with the music Jacques Delors is making , but because it sees Brussels as a counterpoise to London.This is why it has been pointless to question the sincerity of Kinnock 's conversion to Europe .
24 Forestry is to a certain extent in conflict with agriculture not only because it removes large areas of land from farming for 50 or more years , but also because in its modern forms of organisation it tends to employ fewer local people .
25 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
26 The first is worth mentioning only because it gave him his debut in a major studio , for a United Artists production of Studs Lonigan , one more Dean-like character taken from a successful trilogy of novels by James T. Farrell .
27 Such a circumstance would be most regrettable — and not only because it is one of the functions of education to dispel confusion .
28 I mention this only because it is possible , in the rush to get afloat , to forget that most essential piece of equipment .
29 This can not be a proper way , not only because it is irrational and unsystematic , but also because it is patently unfair .
30 Meanwhile the 11 + began to be criticized not only because it divided children up absurdly young into different categories , within which they were more or less trapped , but also because it was intrinsically inequitable .
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