Example sentences of "now [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Now 70 and barely able to look after himself he was easy prey for the two con men who called at his home .
2 Now 70 and barely able to look after himself he was easy prey for the two con men who called at his home .
3 The line is now extinct but at the time we arrived they had lived in the castle for some five hundred years .
4 I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south .
5 Frank is now 79 and we invited him out of retirement to skipper another tug and remember the heyday of the canals .
6 It is now mass-produced and freshly baked in supermarkets ' own in-store bakeries all over the country .
7 Erm , this was in fact something you know , coming from , I think the feminist movement and very much a a it was quite new for middle class women to go out and work , and you know they are now aghast that they 're you know , having to juggle all these things but these were traditions that had in fact , been handed down .
8 It is now dear that Waite 's involvement was peripheral and that he was used by North as a cover to conceal the true reason for Jacobsen 's release .
9 From his office window , the Bursar could see a quarter of an acre of dense undergrowth lying behind the School Pavilion ; it was once the site of the Convent greenhouses and allotments , but now unused and neglected .
10 She might have sat all afternoon , nibbling and stuporous , exhausted but not sleepy ; but the glazier finally came down from the upper floor , cheerfully announcing that all was now right and tight and he would be on his way .
11 We feel it is now right and proper that the debate is to be had and that our roots , our heritage and our future are defended on our terms and in our forums and not in the editorials of Sunday newspapers , and as for les people 's letters to the newspapers , and Kinnock and co saying to people , individual members , why should the Labour Party not trust you with the choice of your candidate , it is you who do the work to get them elected , who are they kidding ?
12 Fears are now rife that the price could plunge well below 30p by the end of the year .
13 He acknowledged that his marriage had had difficulties in the past , and conceded " wrongdoing " and " causing pain " within it , but insisted that it was now stable and strong .
14 Derek Lewis , prison service director general , said Wymott was now stable and the governor and staff were in control .
15 His eyes were very bloodshot , like small balls of scarlet in his dark countenance , and his cheeks , of which the Collector had always admired the plumpness and the polish , were now hollow and covered with a dark , wispy down .
16 And not because the imperialists have become wiser and kinder , but because they have become weaker , because the camp of peace is now strong as never before . ’
17 Her two daughters are now eight and nine years old .
18 Now eight or nine-year-olds are being taught about periods in schools .
19 Despite the difficulties there are now eight or nine themes that define the programme of the physics committee of the science and Engineering Research Council .
20 Mrs Owen , now chalk-white and motionless on her trolley , was wheeled behind curtains .
21 In some wooded areas which have developed in recent decades on open ground , such as abandoned heathlands , the opportunity is being taken to restore the now scarce and declining open habitat .
22 He had ascertained during daylight that the lavatory was diagonally across the passage from his room door , and , as the passage was now unlit and he was unable to find the light switch , he crossed the passage in the dark and , by feeling his way , came to a door which he believed to be that of the lavatory , but which was in fact a door leading to the basement .
23 Taylor and Ford ( 1983 : 183 ) note that ‘ the distinction between the ’ young ’ and the ‘ old ’ elderly is now commonplace' and suggest that this is manifested in , among other factors , the greater likelihood that the old elderly live in poor housing and that they have incomes below or near the supplementary-benefit rate .
24 He must satisfy me that it will be lawful to administer a blood transfusion in the circumstances now prevailing and so I ask myself , has Miss T. evinced a settled intention to refuse a transmission of blood come what may , even if that refusal costs her her life ?
25 It was by now that and I wondered whether chilli had been a good choice for a hot meal .
26 And this is what the , the what 's name now that when it 's opened in nineteen ninety two the communist block will be able to come through Germany this way in .
27 He reminded the members that the annual subscription is now due and should be paid to him as the Meeting had appointed him as Membership Secretary ( see above ) .
28 When the imagined objector said that there was no reason to pay the money now due as tax before the tax law was passed he was of course right .
29 His voice was now low and bitter , and he looked ill .
30 He is now upset that it is not our policy and keeps saying that the views in it must be the views of Ministers .
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