Example sentences of "now [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 To judge by the events of the past week , Michael Heseltine has now enrolled in the Nixon school .
2 As the public sector debt repayment is now contracting in size ( to only £0.4 billion in 1990/91 compared with £14.7 billion in 1988/89 and £7.9 billion in 1989/90 ) and as a public sector borrowing requirement is expected for the 1991/92 and 1992/93 financial years , it seems likely that regular issuance of Treasury bills will be maintained .
3 ‘ People are entitled to be angry — the cynical deceit of the Tory election campaign , the easy promise that all the economy needed was the reassurance of a Tory victory , all now exposed in the harsh light of the real world . ’
4 He envisages that a change in outlook may derive from appreciation of the complex event sequences that new techniques have now exposed in the Quaternary ; from appraisal of the classical models of change to accommodate the realization that extreme rapidity of change now has to be considered when evaluating chronological biotal and geomorphological processes ; from adjustment of geomorphology to new knowledge of Quaternary change such as rate of ice sheet growth and decay ; and similar adjustment of biogeography and of palaeoclimatology .
5 Move the paper down to row B and check your answer against the correct one now exposed in the third column .
6 The chairs now sit in the corner of a bedroom by a window , bringing a touch of Continental elegance to an otherwise very English interior .
7 It was an abomination and the Government were advised by the counterparts of those who now sit in the officials ' Box not to introduce it .
8 Now sit in that chair
9 For greater accuracy of assembly , major body panels such as the doors are now formed in one piece .
10 We roped up for one awkward pitch before reaching the summit , which was now cloaked in thick mist , the weather deteriorating rapidly .
11 Their movement was direct and purposeful , quite unlike the earlier , haphazard approach of those who were now gathered in the ditch .
12 A senior Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry official , identifying a hitherto only peripheral actor in the drama , characterized the role of the USSR in finding a solution as ‘ essential ; the important cards of the Iran-Iraq war are now gathered in Moscow ’ .
13 In this case the misgivings appear to be unfounded , but it does highlight the need for adequate controls on such experiments , both from a national and international perspective , since it is always possible that genetic engineering firms , which are now proliferating in the USA , Japan and northwest Europe , will turn to those , usually developing countries , where regulations are not as strict as those of , for example , the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) in the USA .
14 That is a principle which is now honoured in the breach , most notably in the power extended to police officers to issue instructions to prevent an apprehended breach of the peace , a power which apparently is subject to very little effective judicial scrutiny or control .
15 The bristles are now arranged in two vortices : why should this be ?
16 The spectators — now arranged in two ranks , Lhose at the front squatting , those behind standing upright — hurriedly finished placing their bets .
17 Salaries were now arranged in a more systematic hierarchy and paid more regularly than in the past .
18 What we have is not one , ongoing Parliament , but rather a series of parliaments , each now limited in its life to five years ( Parliament Act 1911 , s.7 ) .
19 Pressure is now building in Whitehall to cut the payments to those who stay on the list .
20 Now painted in RAF SEAC camouflage and markings , a first flight is planned for the end of 1991 .
21 Now painted in North Staffordshire Indiana livery it was rescued from the scrap merchants torch on the closure of Sierra Leone Railway and returned back to England together with four of the West African coaches in 1975 .
22 Local libraries and Citizen 's Advice Bureaux hold lists of solicitors practising in a locality and many firms now advertise in the Yellow Pages .
23 And then there 's just your vest now to go in the same drawer as your jumper .
24 They would never , as a family , be rid of her now , for she had now fallen in love with Liz and moped sadly and dangerously when excluded from Harley Street for too long .
25 They now operated in cells , and even if Patrick and Jane were being sheltered , only a very small number of people , perhaps no more than two or three , might be aware of it .
26 That avenue is now regarded in some quarters as not nearly as strategic as cuddling up with Novell , despite the disappointment USL employees might feel in not being able to cash in their stock and options that way .
27 A large body of " spreading " data is now accumulating in the cytogenetic literature , spanning all eukaryote species from plants to man .
28 The expected models 52 and 54 will be fitted out with 50MHz SuperSparc+ chips , which Sun 's silicon partner Texas Instruments Inc is now producing in volume , and introduced under a new multiprocessing numbering scheme that will see them called the 512 and 514 respectively .
29 In 1967 the Canadian government paid tribute to Lawren Harris by reproducing his oil painting of Bylot Island in Ontario for the 15 cent denomination postage stamp , now listed in the Stanley Gibbons ' commonwealth catalogue as No 586 — Canada .
30 In the meantime , the man now listed in what is , ironically a Government publication , ‘ Facts About Ireland ’ , as one of the five ‘ most notable ’ modern Irish writers alongside Francis Stuart , Aidan Higgins , John Banville and Brian Moore , premiered his first play , the appropriately titled ‘ The Power Of Darkness ’ in the Abbey Theatre during this year 's Theatre
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