Example sentences of "more [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Would you want them to be able to express their emotions more intensely and precisely , able to show how they feel ?
2 Suppose your client insists on advertising his product on television when you believe his story could be more economically and effectively told in the press .
3 Those with older boyfriends seemed to fare better ; for instance , two with partners in their thirties were much more economically and socially secure .
4 People are becoming increasingly aware of the need to take more care of our surroundings , to use our natural resources more economically and to improve the quality of life .
5 The élite squads work more intensively and aim to produce at least three prospective candidates in each weight division .
6 An expansion of the latter would enable a given stock of money to be used more intensively and would therefore tend to raise velocity .
7 But as advanced technology becomes more and more prevalent , we have to engage in analysis and diagnosis — that is , in ‘ information ’ — even more intensively or risk being swamped by the data we generate .
8 Scobie appears to borrow the connection from an article by Sandra Djwa — ‘ Leonard Cohen : Black Romantic ’ which first appeared in 1967 , where it is more skilfully and roundly argued : ‘ Cohen 's dominant theme ( is ) , ’ she says , ‘ the relationship between experience and art , and more specifically the suggestion that the value of experience is to be found in the art of ‘ beauty ’ distilled from it … ’
9 An attempt was made in the 1920s and 1930s to pursue Japanese aims more skilfully and to enlist the cooperation of the Korean people .
10 In the two figures on the right in particular the earlier striations and hatchings have given way to more discreetly and subtly modelled planes delineating the component parts of the trunks and limbs of the figures ; these planes are angled away from each other along clearly defined ridges in some passages , but softly opened up into each other in others .
11 However , the greater solar input at the equator than at the poles would produce greater solar choking at the equator , and this can be shown to aid equator to pole circulation in the Jovian interior , thus distributing solar energy more uniformly and leading to the small equator to pole temperature differences observed in the upper troposphere .
12 ‘ We attacked them , attacked them , attacked them all the way up that straight and round that bend but they kept pounding more and more on and they held us , ’ said Probert .
13 ( 4 ) A solicitor 's employee who would not otherwise qualify under sub-paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) of this rule to manage an office and who was 50 years of age or more on and had at that date been continuously employed in connection with the practice of that solicitor for not less than 20 years shall , provided he or she exercised the duty of management at that date , be entitled to continue to do so until retiring or attaining the age of 70 years , whichever first happens .
14 Thus , the observer can not simplify his task by asking the practitioner to go more slowly nor can he rely on the introspection of the skilled performer .
15 Considerations in favour of a more flexible approach towards new building in the South East include the need to continue the momentum of the national economic recovery and the search for alternative uses of surplus farmland , but if no firm guidance on this matter is forthcoming in the near future , decentralization is likely to occur more slowly but take place over longer distances .
16 ‘ In a largely illiterate society this oral epic singing also had the function roughly corresponding to the modern mass media — it spread the political news , much more slowly but perhaps not less reliably than the modern press , radio and television . ’
17 The work of co-ordinating the activities of the National Federation and the Central Association proceeded more slowly but some progress was made , most notably in candidate selection .
18 The 80-litre US specification bag fitted to Vauxhalls , as well as Mercedes-Benz and other luxury models , deploys more slowly but fills a far greater volume than the 35-litre Eurobag .
19 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
20 Thus in both countries people in white-collar jobs — managers , administrators , scientists and so on — will grow in numbers while the jobs in manual occupations will increase either more slowly or decline .
21 Unless wages rise more slowly or output picks up faster than seems likely , Germany faces higher inflation and a growing deficit in foreign trade .
22 Species and genetic change , fixation of atmospheric N 2 , and nitrogen deposition may have facilitated plant response to CO 2 in the past when concentrations rose more slowly or with a greater relaxation time between change than today , but data are lacking .
23 The slow twitch fibres react much more slowly and are more resistant to fatigue , producing greater endurance .
24 When the Young Man returns and the movement is again repeated more slowly and deliberately it becomes the signal of a tender reunion .
25 If you slow its metabolism by restricted diet , it will mature more slowly and live longer than normal : the clock of its life will slow down .
26 The lengthy section in the same report on the persecution of the Jews in Germany began by stating that what was currently taking place was the ‘ irresistible extermination of a minority ’ , comparable to the genocide against the Armenians by the Turks during the First World War but carried out in Germany against the Jews ‘ more slowly and in more planned fashion ’ , adding accurately that ‘ in reality a lawless situation has long prevailed , through which every act of force against the Jewish minority is sanctioned ’ .
27 Clients are paying more slowly and over 40 p.c. of firms expect the situation to worsen .
28 As the viscosity increases , the lava flows more slowly and smoothly , not as boisterously as at first .
29 The larger particles , naturally , fall out nearer the vent ; the smaller ones fall more slowly and are dispersed by the wind .
30 But we would all do well to learn to eat more slowly and to savour the taste of what we are eating .
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