Example sentences of "than does [art] " in BNC.

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1 This idea or nominal essence will vary from person to person ; goldsmiths know more properties of gold , and so have a different idea of it than does a child .
2 A heavy bait , therefore , has to be tackled from a shorter range than does a light one ; a comparatively clean bait — a worm for instance , lying on sand or gravel — has only to be ‘ vacuumed ’ a few times , if at all , before the bream swallows it .
3 Of course , the ability to think divergently does not guarantee creativity , any more than does a high IQ .
4 In other words , an adult man does not automatically assume a political role on the basis of his gender , any more than does a woman .
5 By spreading the impactor 's mass over a wide area , fragmentation increases the amount of atmosphere intercepted and so enhances ablation and aerobraking ; hence a fragmenting object stops more abruptly , surrendering its kinetic energy more explosively , than does a non-fragmenting object .
6 Any picture of such a tree , with ordered lists of children , conveys a much more thorough image than does a picture of an average graph , because the picture can exhibit the order in each list of children .
7 As most bilingual students studying subjects are not beginners in English this experience more truly reflects their situation than does a lesson in a totally new language .
8 A waterfall constructed with a pool liner offers greater flexibility in design than does a preformed unit .
9 It no more lies within the field of morals than does a cross-word puzzle .
10 A restaurant seating 100 obviously presents a greater risk of food poisoning than does a shop selling only wrapped goods and needs to dedicate commensurate resources to staff training .
11 Nevertheless , Medick 's linking of new forms of recreation to the early period of adjustment to a money wage and to well-noted irregular rhythms of labour offers a more convincing explanation for the commercialisation of working-class leisure than does a simple downward percolation of middle- class forms .
12 To Marmeladov , Raskolnikov , and the underground man , I now add Svidrigailov , because the chief enormity which is being confessed , or merely admitted to , or flaunted , or feigned , binds Stavrogin to the America-minded debauchee no less tightly than does the boredom theme of the ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ chapter .
13 However , the DUP still enjoys better relationships with the paramilitaries than does the Official Unionist Party .
14 This finding is open to the criticism that it reflects no more than a difference between the two phenomena in their sensitivity — that the procedure in question disrupts some process common to both phenomena and that the latent inhibition procedure provides a more sensitive measure of this disruption than does the habituation procedure .
15 The mineral and organic matter that passes through their guts in the burrowing process is mixed and churned in the gizzard , the calcium content is concentrated by the calciferous gland , and the resulting casts , which arc deposited on or very near the surface , contain more micro-organisms , inorganic minerals , and organic matter in a form available to plants , than does the surrounding soil .
16 France provides considerably more support for farmer retirement , land re-allocation and the installation of young farmers than does the UK .
17 Similes may be dangerous , but it can be suggested that the man who produces a well-made brick makes a better contribution to housing than does the man who builds a large mansion on insecure foundations .
18 In the present study , the noun-noun combination does not produce any more reliable plural continuations than does the name-name combination , so such a contrast mechanism is not operating in the present study .
19 They go on to say that the notion of ‘ intrinsic intentionality ’ makes no more empirical sense than does the notion of position in absolute space .
20 The babe at the christening has no more say in the proceedings at the christening than does the deceased at the burial , except that in this latter case , instructions in the deceased person 's will can be used to influence the form of burial .
21 The process of conception as such is not affected , and the scientist no more ‘ creates ’ a baby than does the obstetrician who performs a Caesarean section , an operation which has saved the lives of countless mothers and babies in situations where birth could not take place by the natural route .
22 They would certainly make a safer choice for a first aeroplane after the club trike than does the twitchy taildragging Silvaire and its lookalike cousins .
23 It is true that the existence of the Cabinet is now acknowledged in parliamentary legislation — the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 , for example , creates a privilege for Cabinet papers in connection with proceedings before the ‘ ombudsman ’ — but this no more puts the Cabinet on a statutory , legal , basis than does the dogs Act create dogs .
24 The local county court often has the advantage of being nearer than the High Court District Registry , its rules are less strict and it allows more steps to be taken by post than does the High Court .
25 What they want to do next is to use deuterium and tritium together in the machine , since the dt reaction releases more energy per fusion than does the dd , and so Princeton hope that the faster energy release might enable them to cross the breakeven threshold .
26 A hydrogen atom ( a ) is invaded by a muon , μ - ; ( b ) which orbits the proton more closely than does the electron .
27 The EAT provides a more extensive assessment of consonants and consonant blends than does the Goldman-Fristoe test , but the latter is more systematic in that , for each consonant included in the test , articulation is examined with respect to three word positions and with respect to production within sentences .
28 However the map does require more intellectual effort than does the routine not only in making decisions about how to proceed but also in filtering out the required information from the massive irrelevance ( for a particular task ) which is equally available .
29 Its power as a discourse ensures that this concept of the subject has more effect on feminist psychology than does the feminist concept .
30 GOOD news slips quickly from the world 's consciousness , so the United Nations ' extraordinary and unexpected achievement in Cambodia looms less large in the public mind than does the grand failure in Bosnia .
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