Example sentences of "than it does " in BNC.

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1 One industry spokesman comments : ‘ The overall performance of computerised management systems within the hotel industry relates more to the attitudes of managers towards training and the commitment of their suppliers than it does to the ‘ superiority ’ of the individual systems . ’
2 That he evidently supposes that a 43-year-old woman , hitherto miserably infertile , could make cod claims on such an issue tells you rather less about Walter than it does about Graham Swannell 's flimsy and opportunistic approach to characterisation .
3 THE SAATCHI & SAATCHI share price responds better these days to gossip and innuendo than it does to hard fact .
4 All of which says more about Callinicos , and the limits on his knowledge and interests , than it does about the work .
5 So far , it seems to the Palestinians that the US listens less to the ‘ moderates ’ of both sides than it does to Israel 's still very powerful , if increasingly defensive , champions , the Jewish lobby , its knee-jerk supporters in the Congress and the media , who are still ready to parrot the Israeli ‘ extremist ’ line that Arafat is , indeed , still Arafat .
6 The West could certainly produce more than it does , but equally certainly not enough to deal with the huge population increases projected for the developing world in the coming century .
7 Most surveys show that a basket of food still costs a bit less at a supermarket than it does at an independent grocer 's ; but The Economist did not find that this week .
8 As Mr Cameron puts it , ‘ At the very time when most people want and need mobility — during the morning and evening peak periods — the system actually carries fewer of them than it does at various off-peak times . ’
9 First , the dollar is still ‘ fundamentally undervalued ’ , and by quite a margin — that is , a dollar buys much less abroad than it does at home .
10 The story pays more attention to the rescue of the single family of Rahab , and to the metallic treasures of the city , than it does to them .
11 The first dog will establish the ground rules for the second dog and invariably , a better and more consistent relationship is established between the two dogs — quite often the second dog forms a far greater bond with the other dog than it does with the owners .
12 Mortality rates were high and many children did not survive into adulthood , whilst adulthood itself implied a much shorter lifespan than it does today .
13 On this issue , the decision of the parents should carry far less weight than it does .
14 Perversely it costs more per unit quantity to pack in drums than it does in 5 litre quantities .
15 Or , again , space figure differently in the socially responsible naturalism of a public service system , where it figures as a representation of a real environment , than it does in the ‘ market ’ realism of entertainment television where it functions as a scene for action .
16 Although , the rule of the clock affected most people in the sixteenth century far less than it does us today , it was already sufficient to provoke Brother Jean in the Gargantua ( 1535 ) of Rabelais to complain that ‘ the hours are made for man and not man for the hours ! ’
17 Hydro-electric power , though renewable , has a finite limit to its development potential unlike some of the other renewables and will never contribute a great deal more to world energy supply than it does at present .
18 The price that 's paid tends to be higher in government than it does elsewhere .
19 Nutrient renewal also occurs more rapidly under a managed fallow system than it does under unmanaged fallow for a number of reasons .
20 Clearly , though , the description of being brown and round fits a table much more easily than it does wine .
21 Also , the drug seems to inhibit the viral DNA polymerase enzyme much more effectively than it does the DNA polymerase used by the cell to copy its own DNA .
22 It now costs significantly less to buy a computer — or a ‘ work station ’ as it is known in the trade — than it does to pay someone to sit behind it .
23 One thing is certain : to the head , the manager or education officer in school , the official syllabus often appears far less important than it does to the curriculum committee or the outside observer .
24 Even in a socialist country like Tanzania , however committed one may be to the abolition of privilege in society , there is no arguing with the fact that young people with secondary and higher education can expect life to bring them a richer and more interesting experience than it does to the primary school leaver .
25 It must have the additional power of a moral code based on a religion , and there is no part of human affairs in which this applies with more force than it does in the matter of child rearing .
26 Under water , the world of sound signalling takes on an additional significance since sound in water travels much further than light , moving a great deal faster than it does in air .
27 We must also remember that the Bible has more to say about giving to meet the needs of other individuals than it does about supporting Christian institutions .
28 Those who have paid special attention to the interactions of parents and very young children say that the confusion between what belongs to self and what belongs to others applies with even more force to feelings than it does to bodies , and for very much longer .
29 Although it will probably never be a picture postcard village , during the last two or three years some farmers have started to replace the hedges that were removed a generation ago , and to plant trees , so perhaps in years to come the parish will again look something like the pictures of it in days gone by , less bleak and windswept than it does today .
30 ‘ The Old Course looks even flatter than it does on TV , ’ was Mike 's initial response .
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