Example sentences of "no [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
2 Regrettably this consists only of a short description of the mechanical working of the lift , taken from Thomas 's own description , giving no assessment of the lift 's success in use , despite the fact that it appeared six months after the lift 's entry into service .
3 One thing is clear from the hon. Gentleman 's attitude : were there ever a Labour Government , there would be no review of programmes and there would be no assessment of the way in which help is given to ensure that it is cost effective or of how Government resources are deployed to ensure that the taxpayer gets the best value for money .
4 However , turning turning to Selby 's demand led approach which I would call it , and I think that is erm how they themselves in fact describe it , they have set a level of two hundred and two hundred to two hundred a fifty hectares based on demand , and as I understand it there is no assessment of job need or job demand to back that requirement .
5 If the buyer does not commit himself to acquire ownership of the goods there is no contract of sale and indeed it is inaccurate to describe him as ‘ buyer . ’
6 Until then there was no purchase and no contract of sale .
7 Indeed , throughout the story of the Shah 's last year , recollections differ enormously , There is no one version on which everyone agrees , no single destination , no unity of perception or goal .
8 There had been no change of basic thinking , then , merely an adjustment of emphasis .
9 Such an approach enables active work to go on at all times , including those when no change of placement is contemplated or during periods of waiting for a suitable placement to become available .
10 In February 1965 the first annual general meeting of the association saw some changes of officers and in the membership of the executive committee , but no change of direction nor amy indication of a breakthrough .
11 Monotony is often caused because the voice is ‘ all on one note ’ and has no change of tone .
12 They had no change of clothing and those they wore were never washed .
13 But there will be no change of direction until Mr Major is convinced that there must be .
14 The Diocese already occupies the premises as tenant , and no change of use is contemplated .
15 In religious matters the restoration of monarchy was followed by the decisive establishment of the power of the Church of England , and in constitutional questions Charles showed that he was much more resigned to the need to work with Parliament than either Charles I or Cromwell had been , but in colonial affairs there was no change of direction , though the new government may have been able to follow its policy with more continuity than its predecessor .
16 It seems to me quite certain that , if for four centuries there had been a very widely extended franchise and a very large elected body in this country , there would have been no reformation of religion , no change of dynasty , no toleration of Dissent , not even an accurate Calendar .
17 At Sotheby 's , Peggy Auchincloss , managing director of financial services , noted that their firm planned no change of direction .
18 Slowly , with no change of expression , Bert buttered bread , then sat down .
19 We found no change of practice in our study , but this does not seem to be due to a lack of use of management awareness profiles by the maternity units .
20 There was still no response , no change of expression .
21 By substituting D ♯ for E ♭ , no change of pedal is needed :
22 The Government have announced no change of policy .
23 Our gold and dollar reserves are sound , and we can look forward with confidence to the future — provided that there is no change of Government .
24 He rode on toward her with no change of pace , getting quite close before he spoke .
25 With no change of tone he asked , ‘ Do you like the colour ? ’
26 There was no change of luck , no change of direction in the second half .
27 There was no change of luck , no change of direction in the second half .
28 Garryowen 's ebullient chairman Frank Hogan insists there will be no change of policy .
29 Middlesbrough Council spokesman Doug Allan said there was no need to consult residents over the planning applications because they involved no change of use .
30 But the sources said that so far there had been no change of plan .
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