Example sentences of "more by the " in BNC.

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1 Also part of the package , and defined more by the supplier , will be the equally important staff and management training , and on-going support for the hardware and software .
2 Let us lie down once more by the breathing side
3 Government has gauged its success much more by the number of new investments , than by the efficiency with which existing investments are maintained and serviced .
4 Canetti had read more by the time he was 16 than most of us manage by the time we are 40 .
5 The pace of colonial emancipation would , in future , be governed more by the dependent peoples ’ view of their readiness for independence than by British administrators ’ judgement of their fitness to stand on their own feet .
6 The tragedy of the mass exodus of Kurds from their towns and villages was caused more by the panic-struck memory of not-long-ago horror than by fresh savagery .
7 People are attracted more by the larger towns which ‘ take off ’ , growing rapidly in size .
8 Helices whose variables are influenced more by the presence of other helices provide far greater freedom and variety of structure .
9 The reaction to milk tends to be more persistent , but most children who are sensitive to milk as babies can drink it once more by the time they are three or four .
10 Some surveyors may find such a loss of direct involvement personally unacceptable , particularly if not trained for the new role , but the growth rate of a firm is probably dictated more by the partners ' ability to manage the organisation than by their own capacity for surveying work .
11 Rome was set apart from her neighbours by her ancient fame and lasting prestige — and yet , in these centuries , one can not but think , far more by the presence of the apostles and martyrs , and of the pope .
12 After his death in 1151 , the leading place in the king 's council was taken once more by the royal chancellor , Hugh de Champfleuri , bishop of Soissons .
13 Both pickups have been screwed directly into the body of the guitar , a device being employed more and more by the rock fraternity , ever in search of yet more sustain .
14 I am afraid that charismatic circles are sometimes influenced more by the horror genre and the barmier corners of the Bible-belt than the Bible when it comes to the Devil and evil spirits .
15 This type of borrowing is often explained more by the trading practices of the lenders than by the wishes or choice of the borrowers .
16 The place is electric with drama , with something weighty , weighted down more by the pressure of the storm .
17 In practice , I suspect that ‘ contracts ’ are arrived at as much by religious and ideological persuasion as by rational discourse , and maintained more by the threat of social ostracism than by legal restraint .
18 My attention here has been held far more by the enigma of syntactic structure , and how its development might mesh with the conceptual analyses of meaning and intentionality offered by philosophers of language .
19 If change comes ( and if it does , it will be mild ) it will be driven more by the problems with Tokyo than by the aspirations of Osaka .
20 So the shock he felt now was fuelled more by the power of the deceit worked upon him than by the sex of the deceiver .
21 It was set a great deal more by the massive alteration in the balance of the Catholic community — the decline of France , Italy and Spain , the rise of Brazil , the United States , the Philippines , even Zaire , the revival of Catholic Eastern Europe , the larger shift from both west to east ( especially in Europe ) and from north to south .
22 His life in Cripps was dominated more by the companionship of the SCR rather than the JCR and although he recognised the stimulations of a more sophisticated company , he often confessed a certain hankering for the family life of a small hall .
23 During speaking , but not in the silent conditions , free movements were made more by the right than by the left hand ( see also Kimura and Humphrey , 1981 ) .
24 I interrupted rudely , enraged now more by the tears streaming down my face than by her .
25 There is abundant evidence from a number of studies which shows that , apart from health visitors , these services are used more by the higher socio-economic groups .
26 All these four reasons are subject to varying degrees of criticism : Unskilled manual jobs may well be done just as well , if not better , by the less educated ; resistance to change in employment can be affected more by the alternative job opportunities that are available than by levels of education ; advanced industrialisation has so atomised and de-skilled the production process that for many workers further or higher education is not necessary in their jobs , etc. , etc .
27 For Geoffroy , a change in the environment might trigger off a new pattern of growth in the organism — but the result was determined more by the laws of growth than by the adaptive needs of the organism .
28 While some heads saw progressivism as providing a basic recipe for primary practice in any context , others admitted to having their ‘ philosophy ’ shaped more by the particular social and cultural circumstances within which they worked , especially the backgrounds of the children and the attitudes and expectations of their parents .
29 She was rescued from having to say more by the arrival of the milkman .
30 Gimson 's view of life — which was always to be that of the ‘ idealist individualist ’ — was formed more by the mood and the standards of that crowded , argumentative , intellectually zealous , middle-class , provincial household than by his formal education .
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