Example sentences of "more for the " in BNC.

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1 You are surprised that the Council could not do more for the World .
2 I was surprised that the Council could not do more for the World .
3 With the possible exception of Louis Malle , none of that generation of French movie-makers was too happy with more grandiose material : sitting through some of Doniol-Valcroze 's later films , one longed more and more for the simplicity of that one .
4 Mortgages hit family incomes more directly and forcibly than paying more for the Volkswagen or Sony video recorder which would be among the potentially inflationary effects of devaluation .
5 The extreme poverty of the whole concern is pathetic , and I wished I 'd paid more for the things I bought so as to make life easier for these tanners who look just about ready to give up .
6 To recover more for the domain of the non-sexual is related to a progressive sexual politics .
7 In politics he is that which of all things least resembles a democrat — an aristocratic republican who thinks ‘ nothing more agreeable to the order of nature or more for the interest of mankind than that the less should yield to the greater , not in numbers but in wisdom and virtue ’ .
8 Even as American investment slumped from £100 million annually at its peak to around £30 million at the beginning or the 1970s , the US companies were still doing a lot more for the British film industry than the British seemed able to do for themselves .
9 And hereabouts , of course , time once more for the consumption of the traditional Boggerthwaite November Owl Pie .
10 For example : ‘ Going off piste is usually more for the instructor 's sake than yours . ’
11 Only £2 million is being spent this financial year but Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , said the extra would do more for the quality of patient care than any other aspect of the Government 's health reforms .
12 Of course that goes even more for the game against Holland in Cagliari on June 16 , but on Wednesday the Dutch , deprived of most of their foreign-based players , were in no position to provide fresh portents .
13 If you are paying a little more for the food you should enjoy it for what it is — avoid recipes which suggest such things as stuffing breasts of chicken with Parma ham mousse , then wrapping them in smoked salmon and poaching in wine before serving with a cream sauce .
14 They would like government to do more for the weakest and the poorest , by direct transfers of income ( witness the rise in child benefit ) as well as by boosting educational standards .
15 If someone thinks they could raise that future flow , they will pay more for the firm .
16 Lenders will want to be compensated more for the risk of default .
17 And we gazed into the little flickering fire , grieving once more for the parents brought face to face with reality .
18 ‘ However , I do think that they are a breed more for the connoisseur than for the average dog owner . ’
19 THE minibus ferrying the Cambridge Boat Race crew around has a message stuck to its windscreen , probably more for the benefit of its occupants than as an exhortation to other motorists .
20 ‘ What do you think is more important : to protect the historical and nature sites , paying more for the roads , or let the roads go through the areas as originally planned ? ’
21 We can do no more for the time being , then , than acknowledge that a refined version of associative theory might be capable of dealing with features of latent inhibition that constitute problems for a theory which relies solely on the context — stimulus association for its explanation .
22 In Australia the absence of population in the great central deserts ensured that the stations were built more for the benefit of the trains than for the nonexistent passengers and goods .
23 In an exceptionally dry year ( when straw is already dried out at mowing time ) the corn may be carted without stooking , but normally it should be left in the field for a week or more for the straw to dry and the grain to harden .
24 If he is negligent , and as a result you pay more for the property than it is worth , then again you can claim damages for the difference and any consequential costs and inconvenience .
25 The wind got up even more for the back nine , but we looked as though we might go in at least sharing the lead .
26 I think he would like to do more for the band but we are completely stupid and like do everything for ourselves .
27 Green continues : ‘ Strangers have done more for the beauty of Grasmere by their forbearance in felling native trees than injury by the introduction of exotics . ’
28 As a consequence of the technical complexities of reprocessing highly irradiated oxide fuel from AGR and PWR , the Board expects to pay more for the reprocessing of a tonne of these fuels than a tonne of magnox fuel .
29 The strategy is to sell the plug compatibles for less than the price of the equivalent IBM machine but to make them at least as powerful , or to provide more for the same money .
30 Whereas business users can pick up a leading handset such as a Nokia Cityman 190 for £200 , Lifetime and LowCall subscribers will typically have to pay £100 more for the same equipment , according to one phone dealer we spoke to .
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