Example sentences of "than [pers pn] really " in BNC.

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1 Oh , yeah well better her standing than me really !
2 It 's very odd , but I find Margaret Thatcher enormously attractive — this may tell you much more about me than I really want you to know .
3 Although the despatch was written modestly , still the circumstances in themselves — my having recaptured an Indiaman , and earned , by boarding , a vessel of equal force to my own , and superior in men — had a very good appearance , and I certainly obtained greater credit than I really deserved .
4 I originally gained the co-operated of the headmaster , who allowed me to come into the school , and then I found the teachers enormously co-operative in fact , far more co-operative than I really high a right to expect .
5 She had discarded it several years ago , as being much fuller than she really liked , but everything came into its own , she reflected , for every article purchased she took pride in finding an eventual use .
6 But the standard biography of her did , in my opinion , leave out too much of the rather conservative views she held and therefore gave the impression that Octavia Hill was a rather kindlier and gentler person than she really was .
7 She looked more adult and womanly than she really was .
8 And as to this present situation one of us is going to tire eventually , ’ Maggie pointed out tartly with more bravery than she really felt .
9 If space permits , always buy a garage a little larger than you really need , in case you acquire a larger car one day .
10 Although excess fluid will not harm you , it will make you feel bigger than you really are .
11 Let us ensure that we do not try to make ourselves look better than we really are by humiliating others .
12 Many of us who take 7 hours or more may be able to cope with less sleep without feeling sleepy , given training , but only those of us who were sleeping more than we really " needed " to .
13 Are we buying more data-processing than we really need ?
14 I mean it would indicate that our budgets five thousand more than we really need on other years .
15 So I said well you know , I ca n't just wind it up over the next six months , I said er what I wan na do I said is erm I got ta carry it on for that transit for that Orion till I finished anyway so it 's got ta go another year so I said well what I 'm feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said , he said , if I 'd said tomorrow , if I had finished the whole the tomorrow I 've got ta buy a car I can buy it finance so I 'm gon na get no tax relief on the H P I get no depreciation no nothing like that I said so at least if I still self employed I can if I have the sort of two or three vehicles or whatever three , four , five vehicles but I said at least I can have some erm and I can then sort of they would be more utilised , where as I said at the moment we got more vehicles than we really need to keep full capacity so he said yeah , yeah fair enough then .
16 As the deficit developed , it enabled the fruits of that revolution to seem greater to consumers than they really were .
17 Lizards frightened by a predator also spread them to make themselves seem bigger than they really are , and more difficult to eat .
18 In the other fields I 've discussed earlier — public speaking appearing on television , staging a special event , holding a conference , you can ( but you should n't ) kid yourself that they went better than they really did .
19 PEOPLE think they are more attractive than they really are , researchers were told yesterday .
20 In several instances I have observed women successfully give an impression of being about ten years younger than they really are , until a major event happens in their lives , a death in the family perhaps , or a divorce .
21 BITTER MOON In which Roman Polanski returns to the stuff he knows best ; absurdist slapstick , sexual perversion and girls who look younger than they really are .
22 The ‘ opposition ’ governors imagine themselves to be more important than they really are ; they have state , not federal , responsibilities ; their comments on federal matters should therefore not be regarded as of primary importance ; and , if they were reported fully at all times , this would be giving them a greater prominence in national affairs than they deserve .
23 In a stressed frame of mind , things look blacker , opportunities smaller , risks greater and burdens heavier , than they really are .
24 A further difficulty is that , within a particular culture or sub-culture , religion will have a socially defined image , so that in some circumstances respondents might feel they ought to say that they are more ‘ religious ’ than they really are , or , in other circumstances , that they are less so .
25 So , the unassertive client can role play being even more unassertive than they really are , and then role play being gradually more assertive .
26 In the 1970s it used to be said that the British paid themselves more than they really earned .
27 Only the embankment remained , and the tunnel they used to run through when they were kids , shouting to make the killer bats and the rats think they were bigger than they really were .
28 The evolutionary pressure for some exaggeration of fighting ability is present and many species puff themselves up in various ways , thereby making themselves look more fearsome than they really are .
29 He had n't exaggerated and he had n't tried to make the SS seem worse than they really were , the way everyone had assumed . ’
30 She took my faltering , my tortured refusals for something far finer than they really were .
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