Example sentences of "think [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I scare easily , but I sure as hell scared myself that weekend .
2 Do you think I make a habit of this sort of thing , is that it ?
3 Who said : ‘ I do n't think I take any part in his downfall whatsoever . ’ ?
4 The glamour girl said she felt no guilt over Mr Mellor 's resignation and declared : ‘ I do n't think I take any part in his downfall whatsoever . ’
5 ‘ Then why the hell do you think I keep coming to see you ? ’
6 How do you think I get my oil to the island for the generator and the Aga ? ’
7 I did n't think I mean there 's any Easy one here , plot the graph .
8 I I do n't think I mean , to me it 's a bit like , dare I say it , pandering to , other outside forces .
9 What do you think I mean ? ’ the voice hissed .
10 ‘ What do you think I mean ?
11 Now do n't take that too literally , certainly in sub zero temperatures and I think the first of December and to do so would I think er have er maybe with some risk of being in 's phrase stark raving bonkers but by that you may think I mean that I think we made a fair attempt to deal with the three principle issues which have caused so much annoyance to user groups , there 's a backlog in modification orders .
12 I should think I mean , one of the guys he does the and they do n't even want to do the word .
13 and leave you free to do a job , because you may think I mean , believe it or I 've turned this room inside out today !
14 What do you think I mean by cottage industries ?
15 I do n't think I succeed .
16 ‘ D' you think I walk between the drops ? ’
17 I do n't think I snore . ’
18 " Do you really think I go to parties where everyone leaves their shoes behind ? "
19 I do think I push me luck a little bit
20 ‘ So do I. ’ ‘ Do you think I set that trap ? ’
21 Even so , if you consider the pressures contingent on me that night , you may not think I delude myself unduly if I go so far as to suggest that I did perhaps display , in the face of everything , at least in some modest degree a ‘ dignity ’ worthy of someone like Mr Marshall — or come to that , my father .
22 In view of the persons who will be present , I do not think I exaggerate . ’
23 Flavia said , ‘ I do n't think I connect men with … love . ’
24 ‘ Surely you did n't think I bore you any personal grudge about what happened ? ’
25 I 'm incredibly lazy but I do think I 've found the right way or at least a better way than hers to live .
26 What the hell do you think I 've been talkin' about the last few minutes ?
27 ‘ Do n't you think I 've been trying to believe that ? ’
28 ‘ Here we are , ’ gushed the presenter of Gardeners ' World , ‘ we 're in my very favourite corner of the estate now , with its magnificent , sweeping views down to the river.just look at this superb example of Metasequoiaglyptostroboides , or Dawn Redwood to give it its more familiar name , I do n't think I 've ever seen a better specimen anywhere .
29 ‘ I should n't say this , with Father just gone , but I do n't think I 've ever felt so happy , Anna .
30 I do n't think I 've heard such panicky scare-mongering in all my life . ’
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