Example sentences of "think [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only other alternative was to start an original act but after years of ‘ dancing as one , ’ most Girls could rarely think as individuals .
2 May it sometimes be better , from a utilitarian point of view , that people should not think as utilitarians ? perhaps it is best for the general happiness that people should believe that a certain obligation to keep promises holds independently of its effects on happiness ?
3 Sally-Anne had one pain , one memory of which she dared not even think for fear that she would lose all command of herself , one memory which she always pushed away when it tried to attack her .
4 Yes , so would you accept that Mary-Jane , that , that people may consciously er think for example oh no we 're , we 're , we 're , we 're students we 're having a revolution and this is new but unconsciously they might be following some deep historical precedent ?
5 ‘ You know what the Church thinks about marriage and divorce .
6 He concluded : ‘ The bottom line is — who cares what Bono [ Hewson ] thinks about Japan or The Bomb or Sellafield or the price of biscuits ?
7 So it was then a question of just sitting down with a blank sheet of paper and starting to draw , because a Designer thinks about structures and design only by doing it , by drawing what 's in his mind .
8 He thinks about girls he might meet , and the evolution of the brassière .
9 And who cares what he thinks about Pete Tong 's Essential Selection ( R1 ) ?
10 You know what Richard thinks about Suez , but he does n't really listen to me — how do you think that makes me feel ? ’
11 All four books reveal a steady concern with imitation and interpretation , and to read them together is to be clearer about what it is that the writer intends us to think that he thinks about things .
12 He thinks about things , Masklin does .
13 Yet I doubt they have meat more than once a week — and I doubt he thinks about money from one year 's end to the other . ’
14 He thinks about football rigorously , and stresses how much more difficult it is to play against an Italian attack .
15 JOHN MAY , Cornwall 's answer to Jeff Probyn , often thinks about retirement .
16 After every fight , he says , he thinks about retirement and he intends to give it more consideration that usual in the New Year , vowing that when he quits he 'll do so as world champion .
17 She says bluntly what she thinks about landowners , the Royal Family , social injustice and access to the hills .
18 In order to find out more of what this writer thinks about imitation , we are in a position to consult a work by him where a treatise on the subject is developed at intervals and where he writes in propria persona .
19 I 've got it all down on tape what he thinks about Malcolm X.
20 ‘ So far as I can see , he only thinks about snooker , his girlfriend and pop music .
21 I do n't know what she thinks about television , but she seems to enjoy the music on the car radio whenever we 're going to lectures .
22 In the experimental fiction of our day that is sometimes called ‘ post-modernist ’ these conventions — such as the omniscient and intrusive authorial narrator — are retained in exaggerated and parodic forms that remind one of the metafictional jokes of Fielding , Sterne , Thackeray and Trollope ( one thinks for instance of Muriel Spark and John Fowles in this respect ) .
23 ‘ Many pupils have long wanted a quiet , peaceful area in the school so they can talk , read and think during playtimes and lunch breaks , ’ said Mrs andrea Bradshaw , the Deputy Head .
24 What did Drew think about Karen 's stealing the negatives ?
25 ‘ Does he think about sex the whole time ? ’
26 That 's not to say I did n't think about sex — I did — and in order to relieve my frustration I would read books , watch videos and practise solitary sex .
27 I 'M DESPERATE : for any 20+ males who do n't think about sex ALL the time- I 'm female , 18 , into very wild nights , INXS , Smiths , Bon Jovi , and having lots of fun .
28 Secondly , what is the nature of the links between the manufacturing and the service sectors and , thirdly , how should we think about service sector output ?
29 Why do n't you think about others for a change ? ’
30 To that extent he does n't think about problems , but only about this week 's potential successes .
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