Example sentences of "well as for " in BNC.

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1 Exhibitions are major arenas for spectators of art , as well as for artists ' struggles to achieve reputations and recognition .
2 What clearly frustrates him is that so much of the money now sloshing around in professional tennis , is being spent in damaging — or at least potentially damaging ways — rather than for the good of the game , as well as for the good of the individuals who are benefitting .
3 The three stages of the exercise are : examination of personal values of the participants ; evaluation of existing services in the light of values expressed ; and a focus on ways of changing services so that carers can have access to ‘ valued lifestyles for themselves , as well as for the people they care for ’ .
4 This is because demands fur virtuosity have grown as well as for greater physical flexibility .
5 Everything focuses on the fact that he is always struggling with his desire for love and power as well as for an end to all his problems .
6 The agreement , reached at a meeting of foreign ministers in Luxembourg , will barely affect BBC and ITV programming but has more sweeping implications for nascent commercial companies as well as for the poorer public channels in southern Europe .
7 ‘ That means that for economic as well as for political reasons , we need to make certain that our power to influence Europe 's future is as great as can be , ’ he said .
8 Decisions about data collection should be determined by the need for an informed society as well as for the concerns of government ; 2 .
9 Policing in Northern Ireland is a very controversial topic in a sensitive environment , and this sensitivity has implications for the research ( on which see Brewer 1990 b ) , especially its design and location , as well as for the validity and reliability of the results .
10 The two archbishops thought that Ramsey would be an excellent bishop but it was not right , it was bad for the Church as well as for the study of divinity , to take him out of the Cambridge chair after so short a tenure .
11 In 1974 Labour introduced new policies for each of these , as well as for the EEC , housing finance , and trade union law .
12 There is also wide support for the mixed economy — a private enterprise economy , subject to government controls — as well as for state provision of welfare services .
13 The 1983 and 1987 general elections were interesting for psephological as well as for political reasons .
14 The widespread agreement across the electorate on many issues increases the possibilities for voters to shop around the political parties , as well as for the political parties to attract voters who are not traditional supporters .
15 Where the Healey is a fairly civilised blend of high-speed tourer and sporting pedigree , comfortable enough for long-distance continental holidays as well as for Sunday afternoon thrashes through the countryside , the Cobra is just a beast .
16 There are areas for sleep ( bunk beds ) , leisure ( easy chairs ) , and eating ( table and dining chairs ) as well as for food preparation and washing up .
17 The Jane Goodall Institute is fundraising and campaigning for more humane treatment of these pathetic captives , as well as for those in the wild .
18 This has been capped by the well publicised current appearance of no less than Rain Man ( Warner ) for sale ( £14.99 ) as well as for rent , when hitherto the two spheres have tacitly been regarded as mutually exclusive .
19 For her organisation , as well as for SOS Racisme , the mass movement of young French of immigrant descent , this debate hides another agenda .
20 Cloves are very aromatic and can be used for their scent , as in orange pomanders , as well as for their ability to flavour both sweet and savoury dishes .
21 And always , when we were apart , I kept bringing you beside me in my imagination , in the poems I was writing all alone , writing for you as well as for myself :
22 The drug in most common use was laudanum , a derivative of opium , which was often taken for bronchial coughs , as well as for consumption .
23 She was , after all , several years younger , besides taking after their mother for irresolution as well as for smallness of feature .
24 Much as he mistrusted almost every Irishman with whom he came in contact on the Continent ( Bishop Clement for his disrespect of patristic authority , the priest Sampson for his cavalier attitude to the baptismal rite , Virgil of Salzburg for sowing dissension between himself and the duke of Bavaria as well as for believing that the world was round ) , Boniface 's establishing of monasteries as the learned back-up to missionary work and his devotion to the papacy and to Rome both owed something to the Irish background in England .
25 For propaganda as well as for the military effort , Stalingrad was a débâcle .
26 They have argued for decades as to whether we are a result of our environment or our genetic inheritance , and there are always supporters for each extreme as well as for every position in between .
27 For the Nonconformist minister as well as for the man in the pew , preaching lay at the heart of chapel life .
28 Attalli says the bank has enough money for the basic task of investment in private industry and in infrastructure projects ( ’ in fact , there is more money than projects , ’ he complains ) , as well as for training and education , but there are areas that could prove to be capital-hungry and ultimately create as many problems as they are intended to solve .
29 Birmingham is an ideal base for enjoying culture and entertainment , shopping , sport , theatre , music , as well as for touring the Heart of England area .
30 Further , the universities were the acknowledged custodians of academic standards for Tutorial Classes as well as for other courses of broad intellectual and cultural interest .
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