Example sentences of "two had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Boeing had done their best to keep tabs on which aircraft had been sold to whom but some were no longer in service or had been damaged and discarded while one or two had even lost their identity , so that it was difficult to trace where they were and under whose jurisdiction they fell .
2 The later courses are all clear , though one or two had n't much left on them to analyse .
3 ‘ It would have helped , ’ says Rainbow , ‘ if you two had n't gabbled at each other all night long . ’
4 The other two had not ventured to probe her views on the subject of the miracle .
5 The State prosector had demanded heavier sentences but the court judged that the two had not carried out their plan but had only discussed it .
6 The two had not met since the breakdown of the UN-sponsored talks in New York in March 1990 [ see p. 37331 ] .
7 Three of the H pylori positive patients were on maintenance haemodialysis , four on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis , and two had not yet begun dialysis .
8 The two had barely exchanged a word in the last twenty minutes except for a short and inconclusive argument as to whether a particularly powerful explosion had been the oil bond store or the workshop of Kerible the Enchanter .
9 Only two had both upper and lower gastrointestinal disease that might have contributed to the anaemia .
10 Two had already died of starvation and young children were reported to be very weak from lack of food .
11 Before Mr Aycliffe went to see Miss Kyte to fulfil his promise to Mr Beckenham a week or two had already gone by .
12 It started nineteen seventy one or seventy two , it must have been , when my predecessor and I were sat down , and we said what about a band , they all said , what band , well let's have a band , and and it started just like that , and we , we managed to get the whole of the brigade alerted to it , and we had a meeting at headquarters , to which about forty or fifty people turned up , of which two had probably blown a an instrument in the past , and there was enough enthusiasm to learn and we had a , a chap who was a musical teacher in town who was would happily teach our people you see and so we went out , we had a penny , with no help from the authority or anybody else and we got every type of brass instrument for a band on tick and we said we 'd pay for it , and er
13 The other two had evidently been in hospital longer than I had , and they were like children let out of school , peering through the unblacked-out part of the window at the bright lights in the shops and rejoicing that they would be home for Christmas .
14 Political ties between England and Gascony in the years before 1453 also had economic implications , because although the two had originally been linked by dynastic chance , their economies could complement each other .
15 Prior Robert , still stonily silent and shocked out of his normal studied dignity , led away his shattered clerk to the second of the two penitentiary cells ; and it was the first time , as far as Cadfael could recall , that the two had ever been occupied at the same time .
16 These two had certainly sorted out Cambridge 's bespoke batsmen — Parsons three for 12 and Millns three for 27 — on a Fenner 's pitch which , though faster than one normally expects in the chill spring , was by no means hostile .
17 One or two had quite responsible positions in their employment .
18 The problems mostly arose from lack of capital and only in a few cases had any action been taken — two had recently purchased houses in nearby villages for their sons and some had been able to purchase or rent some more land .
19 Six patients were receiving treatment with oral or enema steroids , or both and two had recently finished treatment with steroids .
20 The two had never met .
21 And despite the wartime rationing the general health of the country by the end of World War two had never been better .
22 As Cliff Bastin later recalled : ‘ Relations between these two had gradually been becoming more and more strained , until it ultimately came to a point at which the question was which of them would be the first to vent his feelings on the other .
23 ‘ Well , ’ he heard his mum saying , ‘ you two had better get a move on , or Hamish and Antonia will beat you to it . ’
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