Example sentences of "about what have " in BNC.

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1 The Levi who emerged from a regime of cruelty and humiliation with his judgement intact , his mind not closed , neither vengeful nor forgetful , and who wrote a noble and rational book about what had happened to him , is mentioned only cursorily and as if concessively by Fernanda Eberstadt .
2 Dot heard Gloria tell Mrs Parvis about what had happened .
3 The woman had also been the nearest she could get to contrite about what had happened in her apartment .
4 I think that was more to do with how I felt about what had happened than a real fear of pregnancy .
5 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
6 Walking to the station , past the brightly-lit boutiques , cinemas , remainder bookshops and tatty souvenir stalls , all decorated for Christmas and building up to the January sales , she found herself having to think about what had happened to her .
7 It was then that I decided to learn more about what had happened to the ‘ Children of the Mist ’ by the shores of Loch Tummel , and during my research an amazing possibility dawned .
8 Hoomey felt a compulsion to babble on about what had happened , stimulated by their dice with the law , but Nails , now it was over , seemed unmoved .
9 On the ferry coming home again a fortnight later , some French boys questioned her about what had happened to her hair .
10 He could n't even ask too much about what had happened .
11 If , on the other hand , you knew much more about what had to be done to solve the problem than the other person , then communicating clearly and testing the other person 's understanding would be higher priorities .
12 He was clearly embarrassed about what had occurred , but at first was unwilling to say much about what had happened .
13 He was clearly embarrassed about what had occurred , but at first was unwilling to say much about what had happened .
14 His father had even telephoned his ex-wife to tell her about what had happened and she had then spoken to Tony , who had not heard from her for some months .
15 Hitachi management had ‘ a deep and immeasurable sense of regret ’ about what had happened .
16 The story of this far from illustrious beginning was one Hugo never tired of telling , for the fact that he had started with nothing but raw talent and stubborn determination was something of which he was justifiably proud but he was less forthcoming about what had happened next .
17 Jean 's precocious bubble of confidence , which had earned her the attention of her parents , was replaced by a sense of guilt about what had happened which lasted into later life .
18 He felt only shame about what had happened .
19 Someone filled and lit a chillim and everyone gathered round to smoke it , exchanging , now and then , laconic comments about the boar 's escape , musing about what had happened and how different everything could have been if only luck was with them .
20 You stated that the government did not care about what had happened to Kelly because she was Scottish .
21 ‘ Once I 'd learned about what had happened here , like so many other people I was absolutely staggered , ’ she said .
22 With other members of the presbytery , the Reverend Brown was worried about what had taken place at the summer camp on Rousay in 1990 .
23 She wanted to think about what had happened , what might happen .
24 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
25 Dinah was revolted by the familiarity of it ; then , after the woman had gone , thought about what had been said .
26 So I thought about what had happened to me and to people I knew , and put it all in the book .
27 We never did see that organ grinder again and I felt sorry about what had happened .
28 I was puzzled about what had been going on but was pleased that Dad , at any rate , was in a good mood .
29 He was very angry at having been sent away and was very confused about what had happened to his mother .
30 She knew she had to tell somebody about what had happened with the glass .
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