Example sentences of "about [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I never felt remorse about them the same way I did about him .
2 All were shabby ; all had about them the cleanliness of icy well-water , spoiled and fetid with the reek of the city , that nothing but fire could dispel .
3 ‘ They are looking fresher and bouncier , and I just sense there has been a lot more energy about them the past 10 days .
4 In September and October we read in the papers of the heavy raids on London , and the more we read and heard about them the more difficult it became to understand how people could survive .
5 The following three hours passed with surprising speed , but I had already learnt a valuable lesson : it is very tiring and hard being in general surgery ; every patient expects that the doctor knows all about them the moment they walk in the door , and we had to be empathetic , not sympathetic .
6 About them the world seemed to stand still , the silence broken only by the gentle rustling of the leaves in the branches above their heads .
7 They were beasts , not men , but they had about them the features of nightmare , of ghosts , and though she recognized the animals of the forest in limbs , teeth and eyes , what struck her most powerfully was the element of madness in them .
8 The geometrical plan of these structures , and the accuracy of their laying-out , caused astonishment upon their discovery , but otherwise the more that has emerged about them the more difficult in some ways they have become to understand .
9 We have only done them when we know we have not done them , because there is so much more to them ; and the more we think about them the more they have to say .
10 I just think it was a momentum that was caused by some villages feeling safer from the nationalists as they got further and further from the front and therefore more and more people a bit f erm being willing to sort of talk again , shout up against the , the landlords and as they saw , as they saw that their neighbours were getting land , all the others decided well they 're getting land , we might as well talk to , have a talk about them the problems and the harsh treatment that we 've had in , in years before .
11 I er I forgot about them the night before and I forgot to tell her about it last night so .
12 He 's worried about them the whole time .
13 Even Emilia is deceived by his concern on behalf of Cassio : ‘ I warrant it grieves my husband/As if the case were his ’ — ‘ O , that 's an honest fellow ’ , agrees Desdemona ( III.iii.3ff. ) . in Much Ado about Nothing the villainous Borachio , tool of the malcontent Don John , exults at the success of his deception : ‘ I have deceived even your very eyes ’ n.i.238f . ) .
14 ‘ Which is one thing about me the murderer does n't know .
15 ‘ Later , my mother told me of her terrible foreboding that she had about me the day we made that first daylight raid on Berlin .
16 The Weathermen , about whom the underground filmmaker Emile De Antonio made a sympathetic documentary in 1977 , took their title from the protest song by Bob Dylan : ‘ You Do n't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows . ’
17 But there can be no doubt that for the discovery of certain parts of truth the wicked and unhappy are in a more favourable position and are more likely to succeed ; not to mention the wicked who are happy — a species about whom the moralists are silent …
18 There an Investigation Officer will consider the documentation and decide whether the solicitor about whom the complaint has been filed has a case to answer within the powers of the SCB .
19 Now the son , Paul , would replace this patriarch merchant , about whom the kindest words an outsider might have offered were that he had an ability to survive and prosper and stay as far away from conflict as possible .
20 On the face of it , a man about whom the whole world knew , whose life was an open book — no , a succession of books .
21 It is even odder that many of the people about whom the hon. Gentleman expresses concern are precisely those who would suffer from Labour 's proposed savings tax .
22 However , it became apparent during the consultation that separate charges would have borne most heavily on those about whom the hon. Lady is concerned — people in rural areas .
23 I wish done something about my the way I speak .
24 This 1900 pub has a tongue-and-groove dado , about which the walls are covered with glazed tiles .
25 One aspect of the Lewis regime about which the majority of his pupils had some misgivings , however , was the termly dinner he gave for them .
26 Beneath this programme , moreover , there beats the double anxiety about which the Queen had nothing important to say .
27 He consulted a succession of popes on marriage law , on priestly mores , on ordinations , on liturgy , on whether nuns might wash each other 's feet , and on the eating of bacon fat , the last a subject about which the Fathers had remained curiously silent .
28 ‘ The body about which the planets rotate , ninety-three million miles from the earth and eight hundred and forty-four thousand miles in diameter , is bright today . ’
29 The pre-emption thesis claims that the factors about which the authority was wrong , and which are not jurisdictional factors , are pre-empted by the directive .
30 Constant liaison at the appropriate level is therefore necessary to avoid a situation arising where problems have occurred about which the supplier is not aware .
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