Example sentences of "well that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , we like nothing better that to get involved as early as possible .
2 Being at a northern red-brick university , my experience of punk , superficially , was that of wearing silly clothes in defiance of roving squads of hostile engineering students who , in general , liked nothing better that to get drunk and listen to Lindisfarne .
3 Well that proves it was students , does n't it ? ’
4 Well that depends on who you are , ’ he generalises .
5 Well that depends on the result of Wednesday 's big game in Dublin .
6 The second is the size and shape of the potential energy well that determines bond rotation , for without rotation the polymer chains would behave as rigid rods and rubbers , for example , would not exist .
7 If it had a name , or a code word , well that sounds like civil servants playing games .
8 Well no , no I know but I thought well that does n't seem to well that 's better than what they had .
9 So we want something like erm Seven and sixteen , well that does n't work Sorry seven and twenty six .
10 Well that does throw me because then
11 They say , well that does n't matter .
12 Well that does n't mean very much .
13 Well that does n't take us very much further does it
14 Well that does n't show any er expertise in what goes on in a solicitor 's office at all .
15 Well that does n't necessarily mean he 's chicken does it ?
16 Pand it 's actually pan dee mon ium which is quite interest I could n't work out what it really meant , pan demon , across demons , well that does n't make much sense but you 'll see why it 's called pandemonium , in the conventional sense , model .
17 I do n't need to erm elaborate much more Okay , the give it , give it a mechanical structure , well that does n't necessarily apply to some of the things that we 've done but it does to other parts and if you 're gon na discuss somebody 's model , think about it in the real world .
18 Well that does n't seem much .
19 Well that does n't
20 Well that does n't matter , the ink wo n't come out of it .
21 Well that does n't I know !
22 Well that does n't matter if you 've got your , if you 've got your jack your jackety effect then have n't you ?
23 No , well that does n't really matter .
24 Well that does n't matter !
25 Aye well that does n't bother us .
26 Well I need a magneto erm the kick start sprongs naffed on it , so I thought well that does n't matter , springs okay I 'll
27 Well that does n't matter
28 Well that does n't matter .
29 Er well that does n't matter I do n't mind that quite so much cos our bearded collie loves water .
30 When we say and we 've often said it , well we could do with this , we could do with that like we used to say , we wanted the swimming pool well that cost an awful lot of money !
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