Example sentences of "well be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The galleries of Cumbria , so frequently referred to as ‘ Spinning Galleries ’ , could better be called ‘ Wool Galleries ’ , for they were mainly used for fleece , wool , yarn and cloth in many stages of storing , preparation and drying .
2 The theory behind such a scheme — which can better be called ‘ market socialism ’ than ‘ privatisation ’ — is that the managers could then buy services from producers who offered the best value .
3 He also stressed that : ‘ The theory behind such a scheme — which can better be called ‘ market socialism ’ than ‘ privatisation ’ — is that the managers could then buy services from producers who offered the best value' ( Enthoven , 1985b ) .
4 At Christmas her Uncle Bertie assembled the clan at his manor house in Wiltshire and announced that as a start she had better be presented at Court .
5 Nightmares can perhaps better be defined in terms of the emotions they evoke , rather than any particular subject-matter .
6 One aspect of these changes is the strengthening view that existing boundaries between education and training are artificial and that both can better be seen as a single , lifelong process offered in different ways , to different people at different times .
7 If the Minister has not got the message , perhaps he had better be given it .
8 As we noted previously , ‘ Kingdom ’ is a dynamic concept which might better be rendered ‘ Kingly rule or government ’ .
9 ‘ Together we want to shape our fatherland in such a way that the growing material and cultural needs of each person can better be met , according to his contribution , ’ it said , and called for suggestions from the public .
10 Although almost all working-class housing in the novel is of that type , since it can better be represented as a ‘ home ’ , it was for that very reason much too expensive for the very poor .
11 Could it be , as Kimura ( 1977b ) suggests , that : brain regions considered to he important for symbolic-language processes might better be conceived as important for the production of motor sequences which happen to lend themselves readily to communication ?
12 But when you do , you 'd better be prepared for him to come back and hit you on your arms , your chest , that big belly of yours and finally the chin .
13 You 'd better be prepared for the hauntings , because hauntings is what you 'll bloody well get .
14 So you 'd better be prepared today to do everything on the move .
15 ‘ Then you had better be prepared for disruption , because I fear she could be here permanently . ’
16 Too simple a judgment perhaps : it might better be said that , manifested as the Consumers ' Movement , Co-operation had become an alternative presentation of the rights of ownership against the rights of labour , while trade unionism existed to assert the rights of labour against those of ownership .
17 I commend this statement to you , those of you who are responsible for the accounts of your organisations , I hope you will also seek to comply with the , the standard , so that the charities of all organisations , the accounts of all charities can be seen clearly , so that er , you can understand the activities of your organisations from the accounts , and so that one charity can better be compared with another charity .
18 This should not be taken at face value ; our ‘ individuals ’ might better be thought of as neuter , reproducing themselves unaided .
19 The West Wing contained chambers which Sinclair Hood ( 1971 , p. 66 ) interprets as state apartments , although they might better be interpreted as sanctuaries ; the chambers behind are admitted , by their excavator , Nicolas Platon ( 1971 , p. 257 ) , to be ritual in nature .
20 There were what Cole calls difficulties , but which might better be identified as disadvantages , for the retail co-operatives in so constituting the production arm as to admit the bonus to labour .
21 Jeremias has shown in The Central Message of the New Testament that nowhere in pre-Christian literature does anyone dare to call God by this intimate , family word which could better be translated as ‘ Daddy ’ or ‘ Dear Father ’ .
22 The UK government reportedly favoured the principle of " subsidiarity " [ see also p. 36741 ] , which it took to mean that decisions should only be made in Brussels which could not better be taken at national level .
23 So any knife you might have in your hand had better be put back in its sheath ! ’
24 I knew she 'd better be told , otherwise she 'd get a bonnie fright when she was stopped at the paydesk and accused of shoplifting .
25 In fact , this might better be termed the de Gaulle — Adenauer relationship , since it was a peculiarly personal form of diplomacy .
26 Not for the normal reasons : that they 're failed creators ( they usually are n't ; they may be failed critics , but that 's another matter ) ; or that they 're by nature carping , jealous and vain ( they usually are n't ; if anything , they might better be accused of over-generosity , of upgrading the second-rate so that their own fine discriminations thereby appear the rarer ) .
27 Never mind the crater in the window , never mind the tyres with several thousand miles scraped off their lives , never mind some brand new little glitch that had better be sorted out a.s.a.p. in the cab 's suspension .
28 ‘ It could be that it 's just something that Bob is allergic to , but it had better be investigated and some sample testing done in case we need to get on to the manufacturers .
29 During the 1970s , some political observers , recognising the unequal participation and influence of certain interests in public policy making , began to argue that British politics could better be described as " corporatist " rather than pluralist .
30 Given their present configuration , Opposition Front-Bench Members might better be described as a hot dog .
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