Example sentences of "could at the " in BNC.

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1 How then is it possible that a gesture I saw performed by one person , a gesture that was connected to her , that characterized her and was part of her individual charm , could at the same time be the essence of another person and my dreams of her ?
2 We dried off as best we could at the expensive on-site tourist hotel and , as the mist rose and a pale sun came out , paid our money and entered the site itself .
3 It was by then too late to make for the safety of the mountains , and the scattered groups of jeeps had to hide as best they could at the foot of the escarpment .
4 The quietness seemed somehow to be incredibly loud , perhaps because wherever else I have been I could at the very least , listening hard , pick out some distant sounds of life , or even the wind in the trees .
5 He washed himself as best he could at the sink in the bathroom .
6 If he put down sheets of newspaper in the kitchen to keep the floor clean on wet days , one of his cats would back up to the far wall and then launch herself as fast as she could at the papers .
7 For the next 2½ years we spent as much time as we could at the melin .
8 You could at the same time consider making an enduring power of attorney — to appoint someone you trust to manage your affairs if you become incapable of doing so .
9 If today we can see better than we could at the time the agonized grandeur of the figure of Pope Paul , the one almost ‘ liberal ’ pope of modern times , we can also see how deeply uncertain was the Church he left behind him and — after twelve years — we begin too to be able to assess in its very different character the pontificate of John Paul II .
10 As she reached her father 's house she walked straight in at the gate , which she hardly bothered to open quietly , and flung the stone as hard as she could at the glass of the bedroom window .
11 ( It is true that to say " women " could at the time , and even today for many people , be regarded as discourteous . )
12 While admitting the enormous truth of this statement , one could at the same time say that the number of song writers who never discover themselves is also enormous .
13 A proviso stipulated though , that should the working produce a profit ( nett ) of £10,000 a year , then be could at the beginning of any of the sub-terms enter as a partner and receive one-third of the nett profit instead of the aforesaid one-quarter ; and to pay a third of the expenses .
14 and that it was er er obviously going to be a cost-effective exercise to do it there and then , and er you both er canvassed as many councillors as you could at the time , all the committee Chairmen were , were involved , I do n't see that you could have done any more in the circumstances .
15 She was wearing a pair of off-white trousers , which she had cuffed as much as she could at the ankles because of the heat , and a plain navy-coloured T-shirt , neither of which sported designer labels .
16 Then I heard how he lived hand to mouth in the Bronx , lobbying whom he could at the talking-shop .
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