Example sentences of "could have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A judge yesterday made a unique ruling against Warwickshire County Cricket Club that could have repercussions in all sports .
2 Oh I 'm alright do n't worry about me I 'm , they , the person at home , their family must be told as well as you making a note in your accident book that there has been somebody with a knock on the head however mi minor it is , it 's got to be reported , because that knock could have repercussions , it could have broken a small vessel in the brain , it could still be bleeding and that is when compression takes over .
3 Tenant farmer Richard Whiteman says that banning hunting could have repercussions .
4 Because an accident of this kind could have repercussions beyond the Courtelle plant in Barcelona , internal and external emergency plans were activated .
5 Traditionally , phonemes were supposed not to overlap in their allophones , so that the only plosives that could have allophones with bilabial place of articulation were and ; this restriction is no longer looked on as so important .
6 Injury-hit Rangers could have debutant England right-back David Bardsley back after a three-match absence with an ankle injury .
7 A BRIDE could have love on a plate — the car number 1 DO is on offer at next month 's DVLA sale in Birmingham .
8 The seller may also wish to stipulate whose knowledge will be imputed to it ; it may be that a company could have knowledge through a person who knows nothing of the existence of the warranties .
9 Duke Michael could have friends to stay with him in the new castle , but he could go into the old castle when he wanted to be alone .
10 I would would n't like to say about cocaine and heroine because obviously the drug squads could have deals in there what I 'm not aware of .
11 ‘ She 's been with me in Cambridge all day — I told her she could have Sunday off . ’
12 Then when you asked me if you could have Bill for Thursday morning .
13 I could have lasagna with this song ( and another pint ) .
14 It was something he found hard to understand , though of course it must be accepted , this escape of children from the parental bonds so that they could have secrets from you and hiding places you could n't penetrate , that they were adults and possessed houses and cars which you had no hand in choosing or buying , that they could lock up those houses as they locked up their thoughts .
15 Could have water bottles , we 've already got water bottles .
16 They have loads of fillings and you just choose what you want and there was curried chicken , prawns , could have salad with them or you could have a baked potato with your own filling , I had a baked potato with tuna fish and coleslaw , coleslaw was made with mayonnaise , it was gorgeous .
17 Sausage on , could have salad with sausage or not ?
18 Clearly , such a law could have consequences going beyond mere changes in documents .
19 But this could have consequences .
20 Moreover , if she were to enforce a purely nationalist policy in respect of nuclear matters in Scotland , that could have consequences that she would regret — because the quantity of Scottish fuel reprocessed at Sellafield is vastly greater than the amount of overseas fuel brought to Dounreay .
21 Any push-stick could have sandpaper glued on for additional grip .
22 Full-back Tim Smith is fit again and if he kicks well , Bath could have problems .
23 If you cut the wires on your equipment very short , it makes the whole effect tidier , but means that you could have problems if you shift the equipment around , or buy a larger tank , as the wires may not be long enough .
24 Difficulties in contrast sensitivity may not become apparent when the Snellen Test is used , but a child scoring medium or low levels on a contrast sensitivity test could have problems in discriminating print unless it was presented in strong contrast in a good light .
25 Similarly a piece written by the magazine staff could have problems for the sponsor .
26 It could be dangerous because if you 're sucking water into acid you could have problems .
27 I know that , I mean , er , we what Paul said , is basically that , we could have problems , if it , if it did go wrong .
28 ‘ Perhaps we could have lunch before you go ? ’ she forced out , as if the idea was merely spur of the moment , merely friendly , merely pleasant .
29 We could have lunch ? ’
30 I thought we could have lunch in the garden after your inspection — I 've already arranged for the fridge to be restocked — and afterwards , if you do n't fancy going to the beach , we could go out in my boat , or I 'll take you for a tour of North Zealand , through the quaint old villages with their farmhouses and gardens full of hollyhocks and the beech woods .
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