Example sentences of "could be [art] " in BNC.

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1 As a private activity there could be no objection to Christian members calling their fellow-believers to prayer , and I suppose that I and fellow-members of the British Humanist Association could have similarly organized a non-official meeting .
2 All that and more went through my mind , wrote Harsnet , as I sat there in the moonlight in the silence , but it was as if it was the glass which was telling me this , that the glass was my mind as I thought that , or my mind the glass , and that was the reason for the fear and the cold and also for the sense of growing excitement and a fear then , a different kind of fear , that I would not be able to do anything with this excitement , that it would be my failure , my failure to realize what I now saw were the real possibilities of the glass , a failure for which I would never be able to forgive myself , though a part of me would always know or perhaps only believe that it was in the nature of my insight that there could be no realization of it , that it was precisely an insight about non-realization , but by then , wrote Harsnet , it had all become too complicated , too extreme , I did not want to know any of it until it was all over , until I had made my effort , perhaps it had been a mistake to come in and sit there with the glass through the night with the moon shining so brightly , it must have been full , or nearly full , unnaturally bright anyway , something to do with the solstice perhaps , to sit in the room with the glass alone or with the moon alone might have been bearable , in the dark with the glass or in the moonlight in an empty room , but the two together , the glass and the moon , that was perhaps the mistake .
3 There could be no doubt at all that he was dead .
4 But surely , she reasoned , where there could be no reason , surely sex does n't have to bring with it the pain of need , longing , the fear of rejection ?
5 I tiptoed to find a sacred vessel to keep your hair in , mouth humming with its knowing:you were here , with me , loving me , kissing me , holding me and could be no closer .
6 He was smiling again , so there could be no harm in telling him .
7 If there were no refractoriness ( no failures to experience X when trying to have an X-experience ) there could be no basis on which to draw a distinction between appearance and reality , and without this distinction there can be no possibility of thinking about reality .
8 On Monday , the managing director , Jacques Calvet , met the unions for the first time but said there could be no discussion of pay until production was resumed .
9 The logic of choosing pensionable ages for the purposes of disentitlement under section 82 must be that after retirement there could be no redundancy .
10 Yet there could be no more symbolic act of defiance than a currency with a separate exchange rate against the rouble .
11 There could be no more concrete evidence of our commitment to that group . ’
12 For him , from the moment you entered the race , there could be no respite .
13 There could be no hint of criticism on the part of the court if she felt she wanted nothing more to do with it .
14 That message , and yesterday 's speech , contrast sharply with previous conference speeches in which the Prime Minister insisted that there could be no let-up in the long Thatcherite march .
15 It is not accidental that the assertion of ‘ the rights of man ’ has been characteristic of revolutionary regimes which aspired to interfere with and overturn the systems of law and society of their neighbours ; and there could be no more striking evidence of the antagonism of Soviet Russia to Trotskyism than that ‘ human rights ’ have to be forced down its throat at Helsinki or Belgrade like spoonfuls of brimstone .
16 But with India there could be no ‘ consolidation ’ ; its hundreds of millions were , necessarily , left out of the cosy computations of the Imperialists ; and its membership of a community of independent yet united states was beyond the power of imagination to conceive .
17 Monetarists argued that as long as the government refused to increase the money supply , even if unemployment was increasing , there could be no inflation .
18 There could be no greater indication of the contrast between me two friends ' approach to their craft than a comparison between The Lost Road , tentatively built up stage by stage , with an infinite number of backward glances at the whole mythology that has gone before , and Lewis 's self-confident brush strokes as he dashed off Out of the Silent Planet .
19 Without writers there could be no new ideas about what cinema could do , and without new ideas there could be no sense of British cinema having a purpose .
20 Without writers there could be no new ideas about what cinema could do , and without new ideas there could be no sense of British cinema having a purpose .
21 There are also fears that a genetic mutation — over which there could be no control — could suddenly produce a GEM with some nasty trick up its sleeve .
22 There could be no more potent proxy for a new economic order in the nineties .
23 He rang me last night , very kindly , principally I think to assure me that there could be no doubt .
24 But there could be no going back on the decision to end National Service , which had been taken over-hastily in the first place , and without adequate consultation in the second .
25 He saw no inconsistency between such temporary infatuations and the matrimonial ideal he presented now to Hooton , as he had already discussed it with Helen : ‘ I am not at all sure that there is anywhere a loftier , while there could be no sweeter , perfection than that of a household ’ .
26 Surely there could be no objection to telling him in advance which areas were run by Trusthouse Forte and which by Granada ?
27 There could be no miracle of the virginal conception without the work of the Third person of the Trinity .
28 The second prejudice against dissection was held by religious people who took in a literal sense the resurrection of the body , and had an emotional commitment to this doctrine , even if intellect told them that an incomplete body could be no bar to the miracle of rising from the grave with the sounding of the last trump .
29 Being under constant surveillance , there could be no further runs across Heath and Common to Aunt Marjorie 's , even if Clarissa had stayed on .
30 There could be no question , therefore , of a frontal approach .
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