Example sentences of "then that it " in BNC.

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1 After the initial impetus has run out , he wrote , and before one has got in so far that it is easier to finish than to go back , it is then that it becomes hard to be sure of your footing , hard to know why you are doing what you are doing , hard to know if you are doing correctly what you are doing .
2 Wisps of distant music , the creak of machinery , enigmatic shiftings of light , a spasm of slow-motion : first you realise that this house ( in Dermot Hayes 's cunningly flimsy set , a little Calvary of stunted , corroding masts ) is haunted , then that it is doomed ; and then , the real turn of the screw , that these people may really want to be doomed .
3 In the middle ages Margaret had had a wonderful time ; women had understood then that it was not to other mothers that you turn in childbirth , it is to those women who have lived it , who have been down between the dragon 's teeth , have travelled the dragons ' pathways and have lurked in the dark and boiling belly of pain , have been chewed and digested and emerged .
4 It cost around £2,000 to make in 1982 and the man who built it for me said then that it would ‘ lift one ton , let alone Willie Whitelaw ’ .
5 It was then that it was bomb damaged , although apparently this was largely restricted to the toilets !
6 I knew then that it was more inspiring than if the sound had come from an orphean bird .
7 It was a great disappointment but I made up my mind there and then that it would be different next term .
8 And now it was coming true , because he was smiling … and she decided there and then that it was one of the nicest smiles she had ever seen .
9 It is then that it becomes a natural magnetic recorder .
10 A recollection of John Davies , the minister for Europe in Heath 's cabinet , indicated the mood , ‘ We were at home in Cheshire , and I said to my wife and children that we should have a nice time , because I deeply believed then that it was the last Christmas of its kind that we would enjoy . ’ ,
11 The transmission of a message inevitably involves first that the message be encoded by the communicator and then that it be decoded or ‘ translated ’ by the receptor .
12 They said first they would never race again , then that they were withdrawing for the season , then that it was unpatriotic of the Austrians to run a grand prix while their hero was near to death .
13 I knew then that it must be someone special to have their furniture brought in a van .
14 How far all this was homesickness or a defensive strategy against ( anticipated ? ) rejection by the surrounding community , or just sheer stubbornness , I now ca n't tell , but I knew even then that it had nothing to do with the world in which I was trying to live .
15 Although I 'd followed the progress of the King trial in the papers , it was only then that it began to hit home what a symbol he had become for the suppressed majority of my city .
16 In the autumn , the sweeping tracts of it on the lower , treeless hillsides are the colour of rust , and it is then that it is scythed down , to provide bedding for the animals during the winter and , once suitably impregnated , fertilizer for the fields the following spring — in a neat ecological cycle .
17 One might suspect then that it originated as a boundary — a green mere between two ancient estates — but there is no sign of a boundary along it today .
18 It was then that it occurred to me that there was some connection between Jean-Claude 's relationship with Ahmed and Meaulnes 's with Frantz .
19 But as the child could not in the very nature of things acquire rights correlative to a duty until it became by birth a living person , and as it was not until then that it could sustain injuries as a living person , it was , we think , at that stage that the duty arising out of the relationship was attached to the defendant , and it was at that stage that the defendant was , on the assumption that his act or omission in the driving of the car constituted a failure to take reasonable care , in breach of the duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to the child .
20 But as the child could not in the very nature of things acquire rights correlative to a duty until it became by birth a living person , and as it was not until then that it could sustain injuries as a living person , it was , we think , at that stage that the duty arising out of the relationship was attached to the defendant , and it was at that stage that the defendant was , on the assumption that his act or omission in the driving of the car constituted a failure to take reasonable care , in breach of the duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to the child .
21 Were you able to pretend to yourself then that it was n't true , and now you 're not ?
22 Lily remembered that she had hoped even then that it was not too late to change … .
23 Oh , and then , and then that it should be her .
24 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
25 I thought that Robert had covered his tracks well and then that it was inconceivable that Lili , who knew everything , should n't have known all that her husband did .
26 It was then that it slammed into the back of
27 The sound came again and she understood then that it was from the interview room beyond his wall ; .
28 She was reasonably certain by then that it was merely a necessary preliminary to the real business he had with her .
29 She felt sure by then that it was not ; she was completely irrelevant .
30 It had n't occurred to me then that it might be me who was wrong .
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