Example sentences of "then [indef pn] can " in BNC.

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1 And then no-one can
2 Justification by inference is conditional justification only ; A's justification is conditional upon the justification of B and C. But if all inferential justification is conditional in this sense , then nothing can be shown to be actually , non-conditionally justified .
3 On the other hand if marketing is seen and pursued as a facet of good communications and as a faster and better response to needs then everyone can be a winner .
4 Oh why do n't we do cos then everyone can join in .
5 If that nice middle-class boy , Muhammad Ali , is truly The Greatest , then nobody can argue that social deprivation is a necessity for ring greatness .
6 Do you wan na sit in , no , do you wan na sit in there and then nobody can use it .
7 When I was working at British Airways we used to do a lot of technical training and erm it was sort of on er airline regulation , stuff like that and you could always tell the activists cos they did n't really want to all they wanted to do was to get on the computers and actually trying out things out themselves , they piece of furniture the activists do n't want to read the instructions , they want to start putting it together and then they 'd learn from actually putting it together rather than them reading the instructions and regulation training you could always tell the activist cos they sort of always like chopping every bit , they just want to they just want to get on the computers and start inputting numbers and they 'll actually learn , they , they prefer to do that and then somebody can come round and help them out when they get into trouble rather than some of the other which perhaps like to more up front and that 's the activist .
8 If indeed there are dangers to the health of our children in exposure to low levels of lead , and if we can reduce this exposure by banning lead additives from petrol , then something can and should be done .
9 If one has to identify a stimulus — for instance a word - then one can accomplish this more quickly if presentation of the word is immediately preceded by an associated word or picture .
10 Fussell is a past master of gallows humour ; but every now and then one can laugh without any sense of guilt , usually when senior officers are being mocked .
11 In principle , therefore , if the concentration of 14 C atoms remaining and the initial , or equilibrium , concentration can be evaluated by experiment , then one can determine the amount of time which has elapsed since death .
12 Then one can address the question of whether rape should be confined to cases where submission arises from a threat or fear of violence , or whether it should be phrased more widely .
13 If digit 4 develops at a high concentration , digit 3 at an intermediate concentration , and digit 2 at the lowest concentration , then one can visualize how both the normal and mirror-image patterns arise .
14 There is no need to go self-consciously looking for intuitions , for then one can be deceived and become the victim of imagination , but such faculties are automatically rediscovered as we learn the art of meditation , of stillness , and true mind control .
15 As for those who already receive High and do n't want another copy , or those ex- Mountain subscribers who just do n't want High , then one can only hope that a refund will be available .
16 For instance , if the network connects the node ‘ student ’ to the node ‘ person ’ with the link ‘ is a ’ , then one can infer that the properties of ‘ student ’ are inherited from those of ‘ person ’ .
17 One 's thoughts get distracted more quickly at home and then one can become more positive again . ’
18 If priming effects arise because of residual logogen activation in the visual recognition system , then one can explain why priming occurs as it does .
19 In the second case , a syndrome is a set of symptoms which frequently ( but not necessarily invariably ) co-occur ; if there are occasional instances ( no matter how rare ) where some of the symptoms are present and others absent , then one can not explain the syndrome as due to a single underlying defect generating all the symptoms .
20 If one can identify regime breaks then one can discriminate between models which were previously observationally equivalent .
21 For as satellite banking , teller terminals , on-line data facilities , point of sales terminals and other innovations are installed , then one can locate those pressures for change .
22 The principles as civil proceedings and the topic is now run by it goes on and that mainly deals with criminal material and then one can pick it up at paragraph thirty two er seventeen when er the authors addressed themselves to civil proceedings er and that er following passage deals with effects of the civil evidence act and the relevant procedures and then moving on my Lord to er to in fact , thirty two thirty nine on page eighty hundred and twenty nine the expert has furnished the judge or jury with the necessary scientific criteria for testing the accuracy of her conclusion so that to enable the judge or jury to perform their own independent judgement by the application of these criteria to the facts proved in evidence .
23 Twelve performances later , then one can look critics in the eye , and invite challenge .
24 Given a probe order π , and a subset mapped with suborder π m , then one can compute a similarity measure M π , π m ) between the orders .
25 If he can go , then anybody can .
26 Well it 's unfair to everybody if somebody has the lot and then everybody can have a couple and keep a few of their customers happy .
27 One may say that , if Alexander improved the way he used himself , then anyone can do the same thing .
28 If it is all just a matter of philosophy , then anyone can voice an opinion on it , and there may be differing views of what ‘ humanity ’ consists of behind it all .
29 Right and then anyone can phone in
30 Then anything can happen .
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