Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Smith obviously assumed that someone as badly dressed as himself could not possible be in a group and wondered why he was in the dressing room .
2 Beecher , he found , could not equal Spurgeon in oratorical powers and , of course , Spurgeon was never a political parson .
3 In turn , Bacon could be equally dismissive of Minton who was unhappily made aware , as Bacon gradually emerged as the colossus , that he had a power and dedication which Minton could not equal .
4 At any rate , their bishoprics could not equal the territorial wealth , and so presumably to an extent the political influence , of some of their southern brethren .
5 Could not private investment fill at least part of the gap ?
6 Once the commitment was public , and peasant expectations soared , it rapidly became clear that the government could not back-track without risking explosion from below .
7 Could not that be an example for the flying service , the Royal Air Force ?
8 My father said , for the second time in his life , that it could not all happen again .
9 When that was rejected he argued in favour of his old plan of travelling on foot by the secret paths ; there were so many footpaths they could not all be watched and there was a chance that if they came upon outlaws there would be no more than one or two .
10 But they could not all go , for if the attempt failed , there must be those left to command the main army .
11 That could not all happen overnight .
12 Could not all psykers shelter within its fold ? ’
13 The friends of Montrose who supported the various candidates were very troublesome , for political management required careful and friendly replies , and it was clear that they could not all be given the answers they expected or hoped to receive .
14 The outlook was bleak : with ‘ block funding ’ and demographic changes , the 12 Government Training Centres , 42 YTP community workshops and 26 further education colleges could not all survive .
15 I do n't know how much ‘ buisness ’ it would attract — maybe too much causing endless streams of mail which could not all be read and would be repetitious .
16 Such practices do undoubtedly maintain local unemployment at relatively low levels and ensure the continuation of basic public services , but why could not such funds be utilised in a more productive and socially satisfactory way ?
17 Why could not Æthelred have brought the enemy to battle with a national army at his back , as Alfred did many times , as Æthelstan did to gain his great victory at Brunanburh in 937 , as King Harold Godwinsson did in 1066 , and , most significantly of all , as Æthelred 's own son did in 1016 ?
18 Could not public health medicine be organised in the same way as clinical specialties , where a coordinator is appointed for a limited period and then the role passes on , with the financial supplement , to another ?
19 Moreover , if shipper A entrusted his goods to faithless agent B who shipped the goods , obtained an ‘ order ’ bill of lading and endorsed it to C who acquired it for value and in good faith , A could not replevy the entrusted goods from C. A bank then , could be assured that it would become an ‘ absolute purchaser of goods upon deposit with it of [ a ] draft and bill of lading … [ and would acquire ] absolute title to property , unless it took with notice of some infirmity . ’
20 By the time he could toddle he was a constant worry to his mother , because he was ‘ into everything ’ and could not left alone for a minute .
21 All three members of the court took the view that the corporation was bound by its undertaking and could not resile from it without at least giving the association an opportunity to make representations .
22 Science had guided the USA in ‘ conquering ’ nature ; so why could not scientific method help it control international society ?
23 But why , in that case , could not some rugby have been shown on the Grandstand programme ?
24 Could n't that great bookcase thing be done away with ?
25 Could n't that damage your baby ? ’
26 The Soviets were cautious in character , not adventurous like Adolf had been ( could n't that change one wondered ? ) and , while the balance of terror continued , they would behave themselves to an extent .
27 Well could n't that be described as
28 They could n't all be following me , of course not .
29 Of course they could n't all be allowed to hide behind the columns of the nave or squat upon the font , and so the stewards took down the barriers and let them flood into my side .
30 The rest of us put our heads together to see if we could n't all manage to get to it at Staines in Middlesex .
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