Example sentences of "year when [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the years when no rain occurs between the last spraying of the vine and the harvest , the first sixty-five litres of the cuvée will often be tapped off and added to the taille .
2 These are the in-between years when a crossing is being made between one phase of life and another .
3 Like many earnest campaigns , the society raised moral indignation over a period of three years when a ‘ naked ’ papier mâché horse was put on display in a Manhattan airline office ; the horse was quickly removed and an apology was sent as speedily .
4 He says : ‘ It 's ludicrous that we have to wait for three to five years when a foreign company can come in and pick up a UK TV company right now . ’
5 Today , South Africa play rugby in England for the first time in nearly 23 years when a line-up containing five current internationals faces the Midlands at Leicester 's Welford Road .
6 From the mid century with the withdrawal of the regular Roman forces the country was under attack from the Saxon 's and Jutes , this continuing for a period of years when a gradual occupation of Kent took place .
7 IN the post-war years when a shortage of building materials led to a virtual moratorium on construction , the young lions of the architectural scene moved into exhibition design .
8 He writes from the perspective of later years when the dons of Magdalen were anything but congenial society to him .
9 However , in the years when the population of Ireland was halved through starvation , disease and emigration , we learned that there had been food ; eggs and beef , grain , butter and pork , but that much of it was exported to England to pay rents .
10 In 1958 at the Club 's Golden Jubilee celebrations , Charles Luker recalled his early years when the rough lived up to its name and when after each game very golf club head was well rubbed down with emery cloth to prevent it rusting .
11 During the years when the elephant jibe was rife , microbial genetics was at the forefront of molecular biology .
12 Points to watch for : Service contracts lasting up to nine years when the average life of the machine is three-and-a-half .
13 4. 1957 saw the return of trams to Squires Gate Lane after many years when the Circular Tour was revived .
14 It is a stone bridge which was abandoned within twelve years when the railway was re-aligned for steam locomotive operation .
15 Sir Alec Cairncross , a former Chief Economic Adviser to the Treasury , heaps praise on the Attlee governments at the end of his highly regarded study Years of Recovery : ‘ Whether one tries to look forward from 1945 or backwards from forty years later , those years appear in retrospect , and rightly so , as years when the government knew where it wanted to go and led the country with an understanding of what was at stake .
16 On a time-scale which may not coincide exactly with our present scientific calculations of geological time , they say that the cycle commences with a period of 1.7 million years when the power of the Life Force is immeasurably stronger and more evident in physical affairs than it is today .
17 These are the years when the satisfactions from marriage are likely to dip .
18 She had been married to Nahum Morey for two years when the staid Mrs Deacon died of influenza .
19 I have seen this problem many times in the past couple of years when the summers have been very hot .
20 His name also appeared on over 100 papers during the five years when the fusion experiments were reportedly in process .
21 It ended in a stormy divorce after three years when the first Mrs Smith walked out , leaving the then 4-year-old Andrew locked in a wardrobe .
22 It ended in a stormy divorce after three years when the first Mrs Smith walked out leaving the then 4-year-old Andrew locked in a wardrobe .
23 In those long years when the war had taken priority , Dr Tariq had rethought the detail of the programme .
24 In Phanerozoic time ( the time which has elapsed since the beginning of the Cambrian ) there have been three such ice ages , separated by intervals of a few hundred million years when the world enjoyed a more equable climate and lacked extensive polar ice caps .
25 This fertile region , hollowed out and enriched so far as the soil is concerned by glaciation , was once known as the Pays tea Quatre Vallées , and Arreau was its capital , being another of the small centres which flourished in the years when the trans-Pyrenean trade with Spain was at its height .
26 There followed a few years when the situation looked bright .
27 Her Diaries ( published in 1980 ) , in respect of the years 1974–6 — the years when the battle was raging — deal in immense detail with every aspect of her activities as a Cabinet minister during that period .
28 The improvements to estates should have been completed in five years when the HATs will be wound up and the houses disposed of to new landlords who could be the local council , a private individual or company , a housing association or a co-operative .
29 This set is a comprehensive history of Zeppelin , the ten years when the dinosaur ruled the Earth .
30 In Canada , Siberia , and the Far East , in the trans-Andean regions of Latin America and in Africa , the heroic building period was to come in the years when the railways stood on the threshold of being overtaken by new transportation developments , the internal combustion engine and later the aeroplane .
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