Example sentences of "year because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Completing your dog-training course could take a couple of months but it could also take a couple of years because of the waiting period . ’
2 The US will probably benefit from a doubling of middle-aged people aged 45 to 54 over the next 20 years because of the baby boom of the late 1950s .
3 Anthony Irving inside the House of Pipes he founded at Bramber , in West Sussex , which closed yesterday after more than 16 years because of his ill-health .
4 A lot of gargoyles have deteriorated more in the last 70–80 years than in the preceding 200 years because of the pollution .
5 9.18–26 ; Luke 8.40–56 ) he heals a woman who has been unclean for many years because of a flow of blood .
6 Up to one million purchases are estimated to have been delayed during the last three years because of the sluggish market .
7 But it has kept its head down in recent years because of a huge $4 billion corporate debt and a slide in sales .
8 Analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies suggests that the proportion of income contributed by the basic state pension is likely to decline in future years because of the decision to link benefit rates to prices rather than wages .
9 Many children are taken from school after about five years because of economic or family problems .
10 If you 've found my column occasionally depressing over the past three or so years because of my doom-mongering , you should try reading The Great Reckoning by James Dale Davidson and Lord Rees-Mogg .
11 Hoyle suggested that this field 's lines of magnetic force manage to twist themselves up every 11 years because of the Sun 's rapid rotation ( once every 34 days or so at the Sun 's equator ) .
12 Tory MPs protested the measures may be held up for two years because of delays on the Bill to ratify the Maastricht Treaty .
13 I WAS in analysis for years because of a traumatic childhood .
14 According to DEC , Sun 's market share will dip to 30% within three years because of Sparc ‘ performance problems . ’
15 At a wider level , as we saw earlier , the West Midlands has suffered heavily in more recent years because of its specialization in manufacturing .
16 ‘ Do you mean to say , ’ she ventured , disliking the silence , ‘ that in your view we 've only stuck it out together all these years because of the children ?
17 I had some very , very difficult years because of my childhood and adolescence .
18 My solicitor told me to expect at least four years because of my previous convictions : I 've got deception , deception , fraud , grievous bodily harm , assault , malicious wounding , drugs , deception and then again deception .
19 When his father died in 1933 Dawson inherited the family property in Yorkshire and went to live at Hartlington Hall , but stayed there only a few years because of his frail health .
20 The letter had ended , ‘ I beggar myself for years because of you .
21 ALONG with six million other householders , I 've been unable to use a hosepipe for more than two years because of a drought order .
22 I decided not to vote for the first time in 37 years because of the EC .
23 I was away from my stage roots for six years because of work in films . ’
24 Relations between this group and the government had been strained for some years because of the sect 's links with Libya and its occupation of a disputed eight-acre site west of the capital , where it had built a commune .
25 Relations between the two neighbouring states had been tense in recent years because of the Bougainville conflict .
26 It had long been a controversial issue and its approval had been delayed for years because of worries about the environmental consequences and the cost of the project .
27 Porta caval shunt operations have not found favour in recent years because of the increased incidence of postoperative hepatic encephalopathy .
28 I mean , ranking of the countries descending as business in the way it changes , and Japan comes first , Germany 's gone down in recent years because of that trouble , but America has consistently been the major investor in this country .
29 Radioactive waste will pile up at nuclear power stations , defence establishments and the Sellafield reprocessing plant for another twenty years because of delays in building an underground repository , according to the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee , which advises the Department of the Environment .
30 A man who 's been forced to live on the other side of the world from his wife for two years because of immigration red tape has finally been told he can join her .
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