Example sentences of "year or so " in BNC.

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1 It is in the last hundred years or so that theories have been advanced to justify critical or art historical practice , the creation of such theories being made more urgent in the last fifty years by a struggle to establish and then uphold the status of art history as an academic discipline .
2 Apart from the fact that there has been significant support for the alliance party over the last dozen years or so among the catholic middle classes , there is also a further factor .
3 Rosengarten was at McGill for Leonard 's first two years or so , and they ran the Fraternity together .
4 The additional shine will make the nameplate that much easier for your grandchildren to recognise when they see the piece on Antiques Roadshow in a hundred years or so !
5 This clinging to authority has , in my experience , become noticeable in graduate students and young academics in the past ten years or so .
6 But research over the past 40 years or so has revealed some great surprises in the natural world .
7 FOR THE last 10 years or so the British insurance community has attracted an enormous amount of takeover activity .
8 As a producer , MacCabe is naturally enough dismayed by this pro-directorial bias : ‘ If you look at what 's been happening to British cinema over the last 10 years or so , then it 's clear that it has tended to be production-led — names like Working Title , Palace Films or Zenith are as important as those of any individual director .
9 Borrowing from the public is more or less finished , perhaps it is finished for our lifetime , but at any rate it has been finished for the last ten years or so ; you may get in a bit one year but you lose it again the next year .
10 After my marriage I used to go to Africa every one and a half years or so .
11 This position was not only the culmination of ideas that had been knocking around in Balcon 's mind for the past six years or so , it was also a declaration of a new confidence in the possibility of British cinema , and a final casting off of the inferiority complex that had impaired British filmmakers since 1918 .
12 Most of these were ‘ coppiced ’ — cut to the ground every 20 years or so and then allowed to regenerate .
13 A house of this size could take two men six months to thatch , and it might - need to be re-ridged every five years or so and re-thatched every twenty to thirty years .
14 But the trouble with climate modification of the sort imposed by the greenhouse effect is that it does not move naturally to a new , warmer status quo which will remain undisturbed for the next thousand years or so .
15 If one had to make a guess , it is that within another ten years or so ‘ environment ’ will have become a somewhat passé term , rather as ‘ ecological ’ has , simply because of its insufficiency as a generic description ; a term which links the preservation of rural landscapes in Europe to the fate of millions in Bangladesh obviously has problems of definition .
16 He predicts that , within two years or so , people will be able to buy it for the price of a cheap piano .
17 Meanwhile , the price of laser-printers halves every four years or so , and their resolution and speed continue to improve .
18 The meteorites that are fragments of asteroids are sprightly youngsters of a mere 4.6 billion years or so .
19 Yet , for another 15 years or so , people in Wall Street and the City of London still told visitors that hostile bids were taboo .
20 So the Nikkei has two years or so to rise the 20–50% needed to bail the issuers out .
21 Despite the changes of the past ten years or so , there is little sign in France of an active takeover market .
22 The way in which wealthy Englishmen have dealt with their capital has changed greatly in the last hundred years or so .
23 After all , he was fifteen years or so younger than I , and presumably still intellectually immature , despite all his literary and philosophical name-dropping .
24 Until the last hundred years or so , the purchasing value of coins was closely related to the intrinsic value of the metal they were made from .
25 One moment she is here , the next she is thirty years or so ago , and then again , she is a young girl and can not remember who I am .
26 During the hundred years or so after Constantine Christianity could be a passport to office , power , and wealth .
27 This method has been used with success in the study of the coinage of archaic and classical Greece , where , for instance , the evidence of several large hoards has enabled a fairly detailed sequence and chronology to be established for the earliest Greek silver coins , made in the fifty years or so before about 475BC .
28 Lawrence James 's The Iron Duke adds yet another to the long list of books written by various authors about the 1st Duke over the last 150 years or so .
29 After 20 years or so thinning can begin ; the excess trees are used as timber and the remainder form a naturally spaced woodland .
30 Over the past 15 years or so it has spread through Russia and then to Western Europe .
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