Example sentences of "know no more " in BNC.

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1 , she said I really do n't where it 's gon na end Geoff , I do n't know no more .
2 Looking back on these years , he remembered lying in the sun , his face covered with a straw hat : ‘ Other boys were always talking of when they would be men ; he did not want at all to be a man , or to possess things , but to remain as he was , in the same spot , and to know no more people than he already knew . ’
3 ‘ I 'm not probing , you know , Joe , but we 've been together months now , nine of them , in fact , and I know no more about you now than on the day we met , except that you come from the wilds of Northumberland .
4 We know no more than the narrator , within whose obsessively observant mind we wander , searching , like him , for some sure knowledge .
5 Fact is , Harrison , I know no more about it than you do .
6 We know no more than his two letters tell us .
7 His books were not widely circulated and in one of the last two which were dedicated to his son ( and unpublished ) was the assertion that it contains instances " that will make you a better interpreter of dreams than all , or at least inferior to none ; but , if published , they will show you know no more than the rest " — a sentiment which T. R. Glover rather pithily describes as suggesting science declining into profession .
8 ‘ I know no more than you , Corbett .
9 During this period we know no more about him .
10 I say they must have got the knowledge from him somehow , by what manner of deception I know no more than you .
11 The city my blood had built 1 knew no more
12 Herr Nordern was quizzed by the entire staff but stoically maintained that he knew no more than anyone else .
13 Hachette says that Montana was a passive minority investor about which it knew no more than it had been told by Montana 's Swiss lawyer : that it represented investors from several Gulf countries .
14 But George was a born Canadian and knew no more about China than I did ; he shared with me the wish and determination to visit China , which seemed to us to be a land of fabulous culture .
15 Her voice , her body , her smell were as familiar to him as his own , but essentially he knew no more about her now than when she had arrived .
16 The producer shrugged , adding that he knew no more than what he had told Blanche before .
17 Only the sound of the engine , and my eyes shifting from the mist and the road to take covert glances at his face ; I knew no more about him now than when I first met him , except what he had told me on the flight down from Mexico .
18 She lay down again and resolutely set her mind on sleep , with such good effect that she knew no more until a hand on her shoulder woke her .
19 Supposed to be matron , and knew no more than a charwoman .
20 All that BS lacks is an ability to respond directly to stimuli of certain sorts : V knows no more than BS , he can simply do something BS can not .
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