Example sentences of "know just [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 But if the feeling persists then see your doctor or health visitor and let them know just what you 're feeling and for how long you 've felt it .
2 Do you know just what your clock face is like ?
3 Not only did John make full appearances in Palace 's promotion side of 1968–69 , but he absolutely relished the challenge of Division One and , unless you saw him there for the Palace you will simply never know just what he did for us .
4 When I signed up for the trip I really did n't know just what to expect ; when I got my packet information I wondered how I would stand up to it but I soon found I adjusted very well and even though I had never slept in a tent in a tent in a sleeping bag or had any experience canoeing I did OK .
5 But if the feeling persists then see your doctor or health visitor and let them know just what you 're feeling and for how long you 've felt it .
6 And if they could agree to make it all worthwhile and let us know just what they really are . ’
7 We do n't know just what triggers them off .
8 There was no way I could know just what passed between Mme G and her son when they were together and alone .
9 Rather than carry on with such negative action , John and Colin decided to do something more constructive and let the general public know just what their activities involved .
10 Control of your performance is achieved by the combination of attitude and power , and it is essential that you should know just what the attitude and power is — in various configurations — for every performance you might need to set up in the aircraft you normally fly .
11 He 's guessed that I suspect something , but he ca n't possibly know just what , nor how .
12 I do n't know just what kind of monster you imagine I am , but having my wicked way with a girl in your state of health is not precisely my style . ’
13 So how do you know just what is available ?
14 I 'd like to know just what did happen when Hatton 's lorry was hi-jacked on the 15th of Marchand if they 've got any McCloys in their district . ’
15 They seemed delighted that I 'd said it , and to know just what I meant .
16 Spilling the knots from one 's entrails out onto paper is n't likely to make a poem or story that others will want to read , but many writers do have to go through the ‘ spilling ’ process in order to know just what it is they have to hammer into shape .
17 ‘ I 'd like to know just what frightened her . ’
18 ‘ I STILL ache with a longing to know just what Morrissey 's minions see in the man , what special stardust quality does he possess to endear him so closely to their palpitating hearts .
19 It would be well to know just what this entails .
20 These engines required much better fit of components than had Newcomen 's ; parts bought in had to fit exactly , and then those putting up the engine and its house on site required to know just what to do .
21 If we are indeed a unique species then many of the behaviours which differentiate us from other animals are likely to be due to our genetic make-up rather than to cultural conditioning ; but the difficulty is to know just what these animal-human characteristics might be .
22 I spent the time making the house look nice ; I wanted him to know just what a lovely home I could build for us .
23 If we 're to help him get his magic back I 'm going to need to know just what he 's been up to .
24 As the months of his NEA tenure lengthened into years , he sometimes reversed his positions , and even his supporters found it difficult to know just which problematic grants he would end up supporting , and which he would finally reject .
25 She would have liked to know just which passages in the book her hostess found objectionable , but it was plain that the only way to find out was to study it for herself .
26 Very roughly , Fodor argued that this kind of blanket objection to representational theories of mind does not work against the mental-sentence kind of theory for the simple reason that we know just what it would be like for a system to work on the mental-sentence principle .
27 I ca n't see your face when you sit in that comer , ’ said Bella. ‘ — You thought the world of that Simon , did n't you ? — I know just what it 's like .
28 ‘ Julie was a loving mother and we both wanted more children but her career was very , very important to her and it 's important to me that people know just what a clever woman she was . ’
29 Again , it is a matter of personal preference whether you prepare the bud or rootstock stem first , but until you have had some practice and know just what is involved , I suggest that you start with the bud .
30 " I know just what you mean . "
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