Example sentences of "see me [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I thought that I had n't chosen to get married at all but that Syl had chosen to marry me , since it was time for him to marry and I offered no threat to the way and integrity of his life and character , and that my mother had chosen to see me wed because I was good for little else .
2 Herr Schikenader , the former proprietor , chanced to see me perform one evening .
3 The buggers want to see me go under .
4 Mum 's eyes popped to see me bringing home the fireman .
5 She wanted to see me grow up , it was as simple as that , but it 's those simple things that are sometimes the hardest to accept . ’
6 ‘ It 's very sad because people love to see me wearing the chains , particularly children and old folk , ’ said Coun Wood .
7 ‘ Painful , is it , to see me enjoying myself ? ’ she murmured sarcastically .
8 I do n't want him to know we 've got divers aboard and I especially do n't want him to see me taking off with divers in the general direction of the Delos .
9 Shiona could n't have agreed more , but her tone was taunting as she told him , ‘ What a pity you 'll have to wait until tomorrow to see me led away in chains . ’
10 ‘ No one saw me come in here , but half Fleet Street 's going to see me leave , ’ said Quinn .
11 Like the midwife who came to see me said , " Ooh , you 're only seventeen " , and I looked at her — how old do you have to be to have a baby — forty or something ?
12 You 'd like to see me suffer , would n't you ? ’
13 Because you 'd like to see me suffer for what you believe I did to Ryan !
14 I 've had them born in the car on the way the the mother have come to see me the father has brought her to see me thinking that if she could just see me she 'd be alright .
15 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
16 I did n't want them to see me crying .
17 In other words Cath wants to see me crying .
18 They are happy to see me doing well , but they would never force me into anything I did n't want to do . ’
19 ‘ I know you 'd like to see me become a big tycoon like you , ’ Peter was saying , ‘ but you 'll just have to face it — I 'm not and never will be .
20 At this Mr Healey was jolly pleased to see me trapped in the Thickets of Quotation , and , again merrily , said , ‘ Plato ?
21 Some pensioner constituents who come to see me ask why they are penalised and punished .
22 It is understandable when pensioners who come to see me ask , ’ Who won the war ?
23 I pay a great tribute to my dad , who as a trade unionist on the railway would have been so proud to see me receive this very great honour .
24 But my great joy is that my parents both lived long enough to see me established on television .
25 There was nobody about to see me knocking on Sally 's door .
26 People have me in a little pocket of their minds in that role [ Ben Braddock ] and they do n't want to see me get out of it .
27 ‘ The place was packed to the roof — to see me get a good hiding .
28 I wish the old man had lived to see me get the farm back .
29 The dogs were surprised when I disturbed them in the middle of the night and they chased in their runs when I left again , strained to see me departing through the rain , and hear the car door opening , their bowls clanking as I threw them inside .
30 My contact with the family had lapsed for a while when the head asked to see me to request help in explaining the Statementing procedures to Mrs Singh .
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