Example sentences of "see what was " in BNC.

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1 But Marie had seen what was wrong : the string of the balloon was slowly slipping through the baby 's fingers .
2 My thoughts rippled out to the airport , then to the bus to Chinchero , to the large numbers of people who were there , who must have seen what was going on , who did nothing .
3 It must have seen what was happening , for with a great scream , it scattered the rest of the barricade , like matchwood .
4 It remained to be seen what was to be done with Lilian .
5 Emily felt a sudden anger against the Grenfells , they had allowed this to happen to her father , even Craig had not been innocent , he should have seen what was going on in his own business .
6 There were dozens of them and they would have overpowered the future king had not a band of Chracian hunters seen what was happening and intervened .
7 Oh ! could the originals of the portraits against the wainscot , could the gentlemen in brown velvet and the ladies in blue satin have seen what was going on , have been conscious of such an overthrow of all order and neatness !
8 The chivalry towards women which gentleman were supposed to possess — but often did n't — was a very real part of Neil 's nature , and , having seen what was happening , he could not stand by , or walk away , telling himself that it was no business of his .
9 If I 'd seen what was happening , had n't been quite so involved in my work , I could have done something about it before it was too late . ’
10 The tabloid newspapers decided it was their duty to reveal that Gatting had invited a barmaid to his hotel room during the Test match , and that he and other players had taken part in ‘ sex romps ’ with girls from the hotel ; though how the newshounds , scrabbling around in the bushes outside , could see what was happening in the rooms was not really clear .
11 The Great Spirit … seemed to be looking some other way , and did not see what was being done to my people .
12 They could all see what was coming .
13 However , by confronting our fear and shedding light upon the monster , we would see what was really there : a mouse .
14 I was intrigued , I still could n't see what was wrong with having your underwear bought for you .
15 I could not see what was happening as I was falling upsidedown and my legs obscured all view of the aircraft above me .
16 After half an hour 's discussion , Jan and he decided that he should ring up and see what was on offer .
17 She must see what was going on ; must find out who the men were and what it was they were carrying …
18 When pressed by the defence on how he could see what was happening in the dark the man replied : ‘ I was reared without lights .
19 He could see what was wrong — he called it slavery :
20 So I decided to follow along and see what was going on . ’
21 There is a famous story of Nilsson arriving at a rehearsal of his Metropolitan Ring as Brünnhilde with a miner 's lamp on her head : the conductor was well spotlit , but no one could see what was happening on stage .
22 Fleury uttered a curse and started to examine it , for the life of him he could not see what was the matter .
23 But he could see what was coming .
24 She could only wait and see what was going to happen .
25 So have a look through your book have a very quick glance at erm if you can just at an acid alkali one , at one side of an equation co try not to read it cover it up write it down and leave it for a few minutes till you 've forgotten if you did accidentally see what was on the other side till you 've forgotten it .
26 From her office window , in the west corner of the chateau , Buzz could see what was happening anywhere on the two main terraces .
27 The two men ran after him , but the other wild men were busy round the fire and did not see what was happening .
28 She could no longer see what was happening , and certainly could n't feel anything .
29 It was attached to the monitor so the nurses could see what was happening to the baby and every time I had a contraction my stomach went rock hard so the belt dug into me .
30 Phat looked inquiringly towards his master , wondering if the procedures should be halted , but the Corsican waved him on , gesturing peremptorily for the crowd to he moved back so that the new recruits could see what was happening .
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