Example sentences of "see [noun] she " in BNC.

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1 Seeing Jonesy she cried out , ‘ Pull yer trousers up yer dirty lad . ’
2 they 've gave us since we 've been creating that much she 's had been in to see Mr she said and he says oh no he says er that 's not right Brenda , he says er mine are all guaranteed until they 're earning that money he says you ca n't just do it
3 In the fading light , she began to see things she 'd not noticed before .
4 And when she starts seeing things she wants , that her mates have got , we might not be able to afford things , because we 've sort of been dumped in this situation .
5 Oh , no , she silently grieved , and as her conscience prodded away at her until she was in an agitated state of mental uproar , so all her disquieted spirits urged that the next time she saw Ven she must confess the whole of it to him .
6 When she saw Meredith she said , ‘ Oh , hi ! ’ slurring the two syllables together and smiling uncertainly .
7 The dog had her head thrown back ready to deliver another bark but when she saw Julia she rolled her navy-blue eye in its white socket and smiled .
8 The Woman was sitting round to the right , beside a television , and as soon as she saw Tug she waved at a chair .
9 When Ruth saw Willie she realised that she need not have worried about him .
10 When she saw Owen she stopped , abashed .
11 When Marie saw Modigliani she said to him : ‘ For heaven 's sake do n't come tomorrow .
12 The next time she saw Andrew she finished with him .
13 With a winning smile at a rather bemused young man , she dragged him up to dance , and every time she saw Feargal she made off in the opposite direction .
14 To this end she never wasted a word or gesture and when she saw Wexford she neither greeted him nor even lifted her head , but said to one of her little girls :
15 In both cases the choice is between the serious but dull ( when seeing Paul she had been completing her thesis on religious poetry ) and the creative but frivolous ( she collaborates with Bernard on a book about adultery in medieval literature ) .
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