Example sentences of "know [Wh det] was " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , and Katherine did n't know which was worse , she would stamp round and rail , flailing out at Katherine at the slightest excuse .
2 I did n't know which was worse — his snot or his flob .
3 I do n't know which was more humiliating , that git 's performance , or the ape-like dance and inane grinning of Reg Pybus when I pulled him off .
4 She looked both vulnerable and infinitely desirable , and he did n't know which was more disturbing — or more dangerous .
5 She had not one , but two enemies to face , and did n't know which was more terrifying .
6 There were two bridges over the R. Dovey ; I do not know which was the one whose state of disrepair forced the closure .
7 She stared until it was hard to know which was herself — the disconsolate woman in the chill room or the other sorrowful face in the night outside .
8 Erm I shall pass no comment on those , but I do know whose was the lowest bid .
9 ‘ You wanted to know what was in Angela 's will — the one we 're going to prove , that is .
10 Because of the professional 's specialized area of knowledge , the layman was unlikely to know what was best for himself .
11 Late one night , the concierge knocked on the door of Beatrice 's apartment , alarmed at the commotion , and demanded to know what was going on .
12 He 'd been hearing things , Denis had said , and he wanted to know what was going on at Rafferty 's .
13 It would enable staff to know what was expected of them , to have professional support and encouragement and opportunities provided for future improvement .
14 But in these cases it is necessary to know what was really going on at the time .
15 It was good to have adults about as we were to find out , also it was nice to know what was going on in SW1 apart from evening classes .
16 In the Epilogue to his great biography of Adolf Hitler , Alan Bullock comments : ‘ The Germans , however , were not the only people who preferred in the 1930s not to know what was happening ad refused to call evil things by their true names . ’
17 ‘ There must have been a reason for it , like not wanting anyone to know what was being carried aboard Titron . ’
18 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
19 Mum always stood up for Liza , her longtime favourite , telling Dad she had enough sense to know what was right and wrong , but I doubted she did .
20 Constance , on her side , had become sufficiently worldly to know what was expected of her when she returned home .
21 They just had to know what was going to happen next .
22 As they arrived more people wanted to know what was going on .
23 I remember cramming into a photo-booth with Nick , Joe and Paul to take amphetamine sulphate and there was a policemen standing outside wanting to know what was going on .
24 ‘ Winters always wanted to know what was expected of him ’ , recalls Roger Uttley .
25 Conversely , we would be impressed by another yogi who could alter these processes in his intestines on a word of command but made no claims to know what was going on down there from moment to moment .
26 He had to know what was going on .
27 I put my hands over my ears because I did n't want to know what was happening .
28 The prostitute , who did n't speak English , demanded to know what was happening .
29 " Now , I do n't want to know what was discussed at the meeting ; if I did I could find that out easily enough .
30 It must have been hard for her — uprooted and transported to a strange country — not to know what was happening to her and her mother , apart from the fact that somehow or other they 'd been able to join up again with the father .
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