Example sentences of "know [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 He did n't really strike her as a particularly nosy person , just wanting to know things for the hell of it .
2 But the rewards are incomparable , for we have the joy of getting to know God for himself , with the attached strings of lesser motives cut away .
3 And when we 're all finally forced to go to you know Tescos for our shopping , I do n't think us or Third World countries are going to get much benefit from it .
4 you know my , you know vouchers for shops mum , do they give you change ?
5 Well it was a particularly er high level of best sellers to erm er er Stephen King 's erm and what I 'm glad to say is that this is continuing into ninety three and I think we 've got eight er eight best sellers on the , on the New York Times best seller list , so er you know prospects for ninety three also look , look , look good .
6 It is the er sort of er five hundred pounds that goes out your bank account on direct debits , it 's all the other incidentals during the year , and even er you know gifts for children , pets in the case of some people , if you 've got er large dogs or whatever , then you know there 's vet 's bills , food , etcetera , that you know , is probably incidental at the moment , but not when you retire .
7 Erm and in group sessions and also with E T you know training for work as well .
8 But cost to us if you paid you know pay for girls and also the procedure to er use the service is is much better now .
9 ‘ I 've known Francisco for years — I met him the first year I came here , when Monte Samana was brand new . ’
10 ‘ Have you known Marianne for long ? ’
11 Iris has known Philippe for quite a long time .
12 She hesitated for a moment before adding in a lowered voice , ‘ She 's known Philippe for quite a while , but I do n't think she ever realised … ’
13 But he is a major golf sponsor , and he 's known Jefferson for years .
14 ‘ I had known David for quite a long time ; we come from Cambridge and I knew him vaguely in the early days — I remember when he joined the Floyd in fact — and I 'd seen him socially over the years .
15 Well , I shall need a lot of persuasion to change my mind , but I 've known Edward for a very long time and we 're good friends .
16 I 've known Becky for a long time and I never thought she 'd go public with what is a private afffair … it may in part be naivity … but I think some of it was vengence .
17 He had only known Heather for a few weeks , after all , and may well have been deceived by the impression she had created in Rhodes ' alien environment .
18 I 've known Heather for quite a while — a sort of on-and-off relationship , I suppose .
19 She had known Nancy for years , of course .
20 But of course you 've known Spaxton for so long . ’
21 He said : ‘ I have known Graham for a long time but there will be no sentiment when he picks the England team .
22 I 've known Newley for quite a while now .
23 I had known Katharine for many years , and , in common with other members of the Kingman Committee , I had been impressed by her presentation when she appeared before us to answer questions .
24 Melissa was about to retort that as she had only known Bonard for three days he could hardly be described as a friend of hers , when a surprised , ‘ Well , what do you know ? ’ from Jack made them both glance round .
25 She 'd known Candy for too long to have any hope that she would escape without an inquisition .
26 I had known Bruce for some years as he often ministered to friends , and on two or three occasions when he had laid his hands on my back , the heat emanating from them was like a blowtorch .
27 Mum-of-one Nicky , a divorced 34-year-old commercial director , has known Robert for about 16 years .
28 I have known Trevor for many years and he is a mass of seething hate before breakfast most days , so I could smell the revenge in him even above ‘ Jock ’ McDougall 's armpits before we left the changing room this afternoon .
29 ‘ I had known Les for over 25 years as a friend and we appeared many times on stage together .
30 Finney had known Harwood for a long time before finally working with him on the film of The Dresser .
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