Example sentences of "time and you " in BNC.

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1 These are exciting times and you and your readers are very lucky .
2 ‘ Child , I tell you a hundred times and you do n't hear me yet .
3 A few more times and you 'd get it .
4 These are troubled times and you have decided to fish in very dangerous and deep waters . ’
5 Visit the area several times and you will find yourself being attracted to a few sites in particular : these are the places where you can meet the earth spirit .
6 Life is full of ups and downs , but you should enjoy it more if you are able to think about the good times and you 'll feel better able to cope when the bad times are around .
7 Repeat several times and you 're whickering ( nearly ) .
8 Multiply me several times and you have a good idea of the sort of coverage this author of PN 's Trivial Pursuits column and Harvey Porlock of the Sunday Times will get .
9 and I 've I 've phoned three or four times and you can get no reply and I 'm , I 'm a bit cheesed off with it cos this is the second time
10 So when when they bring the cassettes back I find it easier because you can get in quite a rush at times and you ca n't keep up with .
11 The Direct Tableware Company sales director Roger Young agrees that it will be next spring before any real growth in catering occurs , but he thinks there might be a slight upturn next month in the top-up business : ‘ It 's heading for the busy time and you ca n't serve customers without knives and forks . ’
12 After that , a top executive tends to get stale , in Pearce 's opinion , because ‘ you 're seeing the same problems coming up for the second , third or even fourth time and you begin to think you 've done it all before .
13 Obviously situations like the airport arrival can be worked out ahead of time and you can plan how best to accommodate the media for such moments , but it 's equally important to spot new potential and make the most of it .
14 Some of the other holiday-makers did n't speak much English … but that 's the beauty of HCI , everyone is there to have a good time and you find you make friends even if you do n't speak the same language .
15 But it takes so much time and you 're leaving tomorrow .
16 The top reporters may not be able to spare the time and you could end up with the story being written by someone rather less familiar with the subject , whereas a quick telephone call or fax could mean that the story gets to the person you want .
17 Give me fifteen minutes of your time and you 'll hire me .
18 You probably think that most meetings are a waste of time and you may well be right .
19 If things are really bad , you are getting nowhere and you feel that an argument is developing , the best action is to state politely that you are not willing to be interviewed in such a manner , that you are clearly wasting one another 's time and you have decided to leave .
20 If not , your entire beautifully prepared interview may prove a waste of time and you run the risk of appointing someone who is the least unsuitable candidate rather than someone who satisfies all the specifications .
21 If this is not done a disillusioned employee may well leave after a short time and you will have to repeat the expensive and disruptive process of interviewing all over again .
22 Travel back into those mists of time and you will meet many who have gone before and who also may have experienced these sudden sea frets , for that is what these mists are .
23 Say the following sentences up to time and you may have little difficulty in including the missing words shown by the dots .
24 Multiply billions of tiny energy surpluses over billions of years of time and you find that you have a vast energy surplus .
25 ‘ I 've been in the game a long time and you do n't last forever .
26 Many people with HIV stay well for a long time and you would never know they had the virus .
27 This saves time and you wo n't block up the aisle when there are other passengers .
28 If you cast on and work widthways the work will grow in no time and you merely need to work until the strip is slightly longer than you need so that you can cut it to fit after sewing it on .
29 Once colour is knitted at a time and you change colour every two rows .
30 You will take one of these blocks you will wet it for a certain time and you
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