Example sentences of "time in our " in BNC.

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1 National Lotteries have been found useful at several times in our history .
2 There are times in our lives when we are particularly vulnerable and can easily be hurt .
3 School-days mark important growing times in our development .
4 My mother has said many times in our adult life that although she loved our father and should have stood by him , as far as Richard was concerned , ‘ she could not help herself ’ .
5 The population of Great Britain is increasing although the rate of increase is lower than at earlier times in our history .
6 At certain times in our lives , and in certain situations , it may be difficult to achieve a proper balance of all the vitamins and minerals in the diet .
7 And , on average , we each do it five times in our life .
8 Let us all change our names four times in our lives .
9 We had some particularly bad waiting times in our own district .
10 But even if we 've known him for many years , if we 're committed Christians , if we 've been followers of Jesus , there are occasions , there are times in our life when there is turmoil and there is unrest and if we allow him to se , to take control he is able to bring peace .
11 Mrs Chamorro declined to give interviews while in Washington but in an article published this week , she wrote : ‘ Ten years of living dangerously has brought civil war , an exodus of a fifth of our countrymen , an annual inflation of 30,000 per cent , 40 per cent unemployment and for the first time in our history , mass hunger .
12 I was then , for the first time in our marriage , on the edge of confession .
13 For the first time in our history , we will soon have a National Curriculum which will require all the main school subjects to be covered thoroughly .
14 Over the past ten years recorded crime has risen faster than at any time in our history .
15 How often a sudden aroma can take us back to an earlier time in our lives and cause us to feel happy or sad depending on the memories aroused .
16 Almost all of us can recall a time in our lives when we have been under emotional stress and have become ill as a result .
17 A very good friend helped me in the house at this time in our lives , and Shanti loved her dearly .
18 Another was the last goal he scored for us , on 30 September 1967 when , in front of a record crowd for a League fixture of 30,006 , Terry struck the only goal of the match against QPR , to put the Palace on top of the 2nd Division for the first time in our history .
19 ‘ They 're constantly telling them not to do this and not to do that , ’ she opined , curiously , at this most un-authoritarian time in our history .
20 Among humans , at this present time in our history , we have largely lost our ability to perceive directly the subtle aspects of our physical world .
21 For the first time in our life we actually KNOW that we are a winner .
22 Body language is with us night and day but something else which takes up a fair amount of time in our lives is travel .
23 For us , all that symbolism represents a really bad time in our career , and part of the reason for us packing it all in .
24 In the first quarter of 1980 the ICI group was making profits at a rate of six hundred million pounds a year and in the third quarter we posted a loss for only the second time in our history .
25 If you decide to accept infertility or childlessness , then this is the process you will need to go through ; it 's difficult , but we all have to leave dreams behind at some time in our lives .
26 Peter Laslett has written that ‘ Bastard babies must have been commoner between 1810 and 1850 than at any other time in our past for which details are known before our own permissive generation . ’
27 It is not that the question of the ordination of women is being considered for the first time in our day !
28 All of us lose sleep at some time in our lives , and many individuals have to lose sleep as part of their jobs , which may be extremely responsible and demanding .
29 After my wife and I had shared our experiences , it was a crazy time in our lives .
30 Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives , and have been able to stick to the new regime quite rigidly for a little while .
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