Example sentences of "time be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This problem has become very apparent in recent months at Humberside , where the beacon ‘ HBR ’ on frequency 350.5 kHz has at times been almost unusable due to interference from the NDB ‘ LPL ’ at Liverpool on 349.5 kHz .
2 Neighbouring freshwater wells have become unusable , and the smells from the vandalised creek , at times flowing in multi-coloured currents with dyes from the chemical treatments , have at times been so pungent that inhabitants of the area along the banks of the Yellow Creek have been awakened from their sleep at nights with extreme nausea and vomiting .
3 The message from the proposed new gates and railings is that bad times are here to stay .
4 Like Chelsea , Howe has suffered adversity but good times are surely just around the corner in the New Year .
5 Most of the game is mental — being able to keep your head clear and retain a certain outlook on life should mean that bad times are neither so frequent nor so lengthy as they would be if you start examining your technique or doubting your ability .
6 Although this is complex to analyse , the average times are easily checked in any given case .
7 However , brighter times are ahead , when you will get the opportunity to realise your full potential .
8 Happy times are ahead , with perks aplenty , but do n't let it go to your head .
9 HARD times are ahead for councils and vital local services , Local Government Minister John Redwood predicted .
10 These times are increasingly denominated in daily or hourly units , thus a motor vehicle survey in 1982 reported that 82 per cent of parts are delivered to hourly or daily schedules ( Y. Sato 1984 p. 17 ) .
11 Search times are approximately O ( log2 n ) .
12 Thus the famous " Bohemian " ( or " Hercynian " ) and " Rhenish " provinces of Devonian times are little more than the differences between a lime-mud and a sandy sea-floor .
13 Intestinal motility disturbances with prolonged intestinal transit times are well described in patients with cystic fibrosis and may predispose to the development of small bowel bacterial overgrowth , bacterial dehydroxylation and deconjugation of bile acids , decreased bile salt solubility , diminished intestinal bile acid absorption , and excessive faecal bile acid loss .
14 A Noel Coward lyric goes ‘ Bad times are just around the corner ’ ( ‘ There are black clouds over the dark cliffs of Dover ’ ) and many homes this Christmas will be Dickensian in a depressing rather than a jolly sense .
15 It would be easy to be a prophet of doom and gloom in these difficult times but in business and in the Association , I sense a new spirit of optimism that better times are just around the corner and that we are at last seeing the tangible signs of recovery .
16 Hard times are also showing up overhasty mergers , like the one two years ago between Withers and Crossman Block ; they have now demerged .
17 Processing times are also much reduced due to the lists of words being shorter than the lists of grams .
18 The trie structure requires less memory than the 26-way tree , and look-up times are also fast .
19 Print times are also quite speedy .
20 ‘ Well , as we 're in the presence of two students — postgraduate students — I daresay you 'll take me to be sucking up , but the times are rather interesting , do n't you find ?
21 Does this mean that God is ‘ not in time ’ — an example of the way of negation — or does it , as some have said , mean that all times are somehow ‘ present ’ to God , in which case it might be claimed that God possesses a kind of temporal omnipresence ?
22 The look-up speed should be similar to the trie ( although this has not yet been established ) , but build times are much greater , especially for larger lexicons ( for example 5,705 words takes approximately 10 minutes to build , but 68,856 words takes just over 11 hours 3 ) .
23 This is not likely to take longer than 100 ms and average times are much lower , e.g. 30 ms average head movement for the IBM 3330 , 25 ms for the 3350 and 16 ms for the 3380 , followed by a search of the index .
24 Pump-down times are correspondingly increased for these larger and more porous samples , which should be well dried before evacuation .
25 Its old times are brilliantly rendered , and its appeal is in part generic .
26 The times are less for youngsters under 17 years of age .
27 Usually the claimant has a contract with the professional , and experts appointed in recent times are almost invariably professionals .
28 For students , there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings ; therefore bedtimes and rising times are fairly late .
29 Finally , it is pointed out that if times are indeed bad then , in the name of justice and humanity , more rather than less should be spent on those services in cash and kind that cater for the welfare of those in need .
30 Search times are usually slower than magnetic disks , because the reading head has to follow a track .
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