Example sentences of "time [vb -s] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I know I pulled him out once but how many times has he pulled me out !
2 how many times has he , has he done this to us now ?
3 It was badly scarred by the ill-fated attempt to acquire Leyland Vehicles and Land Rover , and only in recent times has it begun to reverse its image in Britain as little more than a screwdriver assembler of cars .
4 How many times has it happened ?
5 Yeah but how many , how many times has it been a shop ?
6 ‘ He has , you must agree , a remarkably clear idea of policy , if the topography of God 's Kingdom at times eludes him a trifle .
7 The pro-Jewish New York Times describes him as ‘ tall , handsome and affable ’ .
8 An eighty four year old man who 's had his house broken into seven times says he now fears for his safety .
9 But the fact that it is protected by unwritten convention rather than by a legal constitution means that there is no external brake upon Parliament or the courts moving to restrict it in particular ways , as the mood of the times takes them .
10 An editorial in The Times sums it all up :
11 Gradgrind 's becoming an MP in Hard Times gives him further opportunity for satire : Parliament figures as ‘ the national cinder-heap ’ ( HT ii 11 ) where the MPs , ‘ the national dustmen ’ , get up ‘ a great many noisy little fights amongst themselves ’ ( HT ii 12 ) , and the image recurs in Our Mutual Friend when CD apostrophizes the nation 's legislators : ‘ My lords and gentlemen and honourable boards , when you in the course of your dust-shovelling and cinder-raking have piled up a mountain of pretentious failure , you must off with your honourable coats for the removal of it , and fall to work … or it will come rushing down and bury us alive ’ ( OMF iii 8 ) .
12 Rod Wallace needs to work on his finishing , how many times does he miss when he 's clean through ?
13 Measurement of all pulse arrival times makes it possible to calculate the change in pulse delay due to the change in the distance of PSR 1913 + 16 from Earth .
14 Because such objects gain value as time elapses it means that a profit can be realised by anyone patient enough to conceal them for twenty years .
15 Time has me dangling on its tenterhooks .
16 D'Indy may be excused for missing the point of Rameau 's ‘ tied ’ and slurred crotchets : only in our own time has it been realised that these denote the kind of tremolo recently studied by Stewart Carter .
17 Oh it has to be on all the time has it ?
18 At no other time has he had hallucinations of sight and they entirely disappeared after sleeping .
19 He used to have a bottle of whisky a week but he do n't have any now he ai n't had it for a long time has he ?
20 Oh , time passes you know .
21 The dear boy is very passionate , and his love for me making life now utterly happy , at the same time fills me with a sense of great responsibility .
22 As one farmer put it , ‘ Time allows me to be interested only in what is going to affect me on my farm — making up the numbers is not the answer ’ .
23 Erm I must confess to doubting whether such a pool of talent exists and I share the views er of the Noble Lord , Lord Motterstone who in a very powerful and commonsense speech made this point an and a number of other ones , but I have to say that what I do think exists is the temptation to create posts for friends of the Government , a process of which has been going for far too long and I mem and I wonder if er members on the other side would defend this position as my Noble Friend Lord Allen said earlier , quite sincerely if , say , another party were in power before when such a time arrives it will then be of little avail for them to run around complaining , for they will have sown the seeds of their own dissatisfaction .
24 if you get inside the shop before the time closes they they 're on a bet
25 The arrangement makes possible a more intensive personal service and at the same time stimulates it . ’
26 What this means is as your reaction time increases it 's believed or been shown that your intelligence quotient or I Q measure decreases .
27 I commend you , by the way , for insisting on arriving early , for as the set time approaches they will tighten their surveillance at their ports of entry .
28 The CD databases such as Lotus One Source are more user friendly than on line databases and without the pressure of on line time costs it is easier to give careful consideration to the search strategy .
29 The change effected by Gandhi by the use of satyāgraha , however , makes his principle more explicit and at the same time links it more closely with his concept of Truth ( Satya ) , and non-violence ( ahi sā ) .
30 GUIL for the second time cuts him off . )
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