Example sentences of "time [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 MacCabe and Heath had studied in Paris , and Signs of the Times has its niche in postwar cultural history , marking the first major re-entry of French intellectual influences since Eliot 's adherence to Remy de Gourmont and the French neoclassicists , half a century earlier .
2 How many times has one ever had recourse to a term like anadiplosis ?
3 I mean how many times has somebody knocked on your door , Oh I 'm Joe Bloggs I 've come to sell dusters ?
4 I know I pulled him out once but how many times has he pulled me out !
5 how many times has he , has he done this to us now ?
6 It was badly scarred by the ill-fated attempt to acquire Leyland Vehicles and Land Rover , and only in recent times has it begun to reverse its image in Britain as little more than a screwdriver assembler of cars .
7 How many times has it happened ?
8 Yeah but how many , how many times has it been a shop ?
9 I mean , how many times has someone tried to re-invent the fret ?
10 ‘ He has , you must agree , a remarkably clear idea of policy , if the topography of God 's Kingdom at times eludes him a trifle .
11 The pro-Jewish New York Times describes him as ‘ tall , handsome and affable ’ .
12 An eighty four year old man who 's had his house broken into seven times says he now fears for his safety .
13 And the rhythm of her dialogue in some of the later books at times recalls his free hexameters .
14 But the fact that it is protected by unwritten convention rather than by a legal constitution means that there is no external brake upon Parliament or the courts moving to restrict it in particular ways , as the mood of the times takes them .
15 However , subsequent thinkers have often seen his claim as in effect about the meaning of the word ‘ good ’ and Moore himself at times expresses himself thus .
16 An editorial in The Times sums it all up :
17 Gradgrind 's becoming an MP in Hard Times gives him further opportunity for satire : Parliament figures as ‘ the national cinder-heap ’ ( HT ii 11 ) where the MPs , ‘ the national dustmen ’ , get up ‘ a great many noisy little fights amongst themselves ’ ( HT ii 12 ) , and the image recurs in Our Mutual Friend when CD apostrophizes the nation 's legislators : ‘ My lords and gentlemen and honourable boards , when you in the course of your dust-shovelling and cinder-raking have piled up a mountain of pretentious failure , you must off with your honourable coats for the removal of it , and fall to work … or it will come rushing down and bury us alive ’ ( OMF iii 8 ) .
18 Rod Wallace needs to work on his finishing , how many times does he miss when he 's clean through ?
19 How many times does anybody see them ?
20 The Times claims its circulation has soared by 20pc since it launched the circulation war on Monday .
21 It has to be admitted that the sound quality on some of these recordings at times leaves something to be desired , and some listeners may no doubt be disturbed by the occasional fluctuations of pitch , as in the Lohengrin Prelude .
22 Then when the times comes there are likely to be serious doubts about how to interpret the terms of a Living Will .
23 Measurement of all pulse arrival times makes it possible to calculate the change in pulse delay due to the change in the distance of PSR 1913 + 16 from Earth .
24 My letter to The Times makes my own position clear .
25 But then the alien disease , like a parasite , takes hold again and for a time destroys everything in its path : all hope , all trust , all honesty , all love , all relationships .
26 Because such objects gain value as time elapses it means that a profit can be realised by anyone patient enough to conceal them for twenty years .
27 Whatever South Africa were before our time has nothing to do with this Test .
28 Time has nothing to do with it . ’
29 Althusser therefore criticizes the Annales historians for merely arguing that periodizations differ for different times , and that each time has its own rhythms .
30 Time has me dangling on its tenterhooks .
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