Example sentences of "time [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the theoretical advances that these views represent do not seem to have significantly affected statements about literacy , which appear at times to remain in a pre-Saussurian world .
2 He has visited Vietnam several times to search for missing American soldiers , a venture that plays well in his district which is home to a lot of ex-servicemen .
3 Life is full of ups and downs and I know that there are going to be bad times to go with the good ones .
4 UK corporates might find it attractive at times to borrow in a currency other than sterling ( most commonly US dollars ) through such a programme and fully hedge the proceeds into sterling , hence creating a synthetic SCP .
5 It is unrealistic in these times to work on the assumption that profit sharing ratios , once fixed , are sacrosanct only ever to be changed when the number of partners changes .
6 TESTING TIMES TO COME by Rachel Waterhouse
7 But these commissions , mostly for the originals of jokes and cartoons which Willis had managed in former times to sell to magazines , had grown fewer and fewer in the last ten years , as , indeed , had the drawings themselves .
8 He tried several times to talk to his sister Laetitia on the telephone , but she continued to be elusive .
9 The vicar 's tried I do n't know how many times to talk to him , offer him this and that , but he wo n't have it .
10 Because of his standing in the village he ventured at times to talk in a way which later proved disastrous about his anti-Fascist feelings .
11 Yates , who was busy setting up John and Mary in New York , went down to Baltimore two or three times to participate in the nocturnal meetings .
12 The artefacts found within cremation vessels were generally ignored and appear at times to conflict with the dates ascribed ( Morris 1974 ; Kidd 1976 ; Dickinson 1978 ; Richards 1987 ) .
13 The egoist might concede that , since in choosing means to his own ends he has to try to predict others ' behaviour , he does find it a practical necessity at times to imagine from their viewpoints at the cost of transiently feeling himself moved in altruistic directions .
14 The tradition has however tended to assume that by adopting a particular perspective ( Marxism ) it can escape the ideological effect much in the same way as science appears at times to escape from ideology .
15 You do n't necessarily get a better job with a performance spec than you would simply by specifying that you had more cuts because in er in a slow growing year , if you like , the contractor actually gains because he does n't need to cut so many times to comply with a maximum of a hundred millimetres length , whereas if you 've got an eleven level cut you would actually have a continuous length of grass , much shorter , so it would look smarter .
16 ‘ Monsieur Tollet at the sports centre had to leave me several times to deal with queries . ’
17 Despite the siege , Nicholas had made the short journey many times to sleep at his villa .
18 Mercurial striker Ian Wright joined The Eagles from Greenwich Borough in 1 985 and quickly made his mark with us as a highly effective ‘ super-sub ’ in his first season , scoring nine times to finish as Palace 's second-highest scorer with Phil Barber .
19 He must have asked Sharpe a score of times to dress in Dutch uniform , yet still the Rifleman appeared in his ancient , tattered green coat .
20 She had already left home several times to stay with her boyfriend .
21 Times to beat from last year are Kevin Brown 's 1:07:21 and Chris Buckley 's 1:24:25 in the women 's race .
22 So if you go , if you page up several times to get to the start of the document .
23 I have tried several times to get in touch by telephone .
24 On the publication of Macmillan 's memoirs Mr Humphrey Berkeley wrote to The Times to complain about this as being a ‘ gross constitutional impropriety ’ .
25 The lower part of the iris of the eye reflects a brilliant green colour which the author has tried many times to capture on film , without success .
26 yes , its been rewound about five times to tape over Rupert 's swearing , you just have to leave it now
27 Keep the circle flowing — you might only achieve 4 times to begin with .
28 Attempt each exercise a minimum of 4 times to begin with .
29 Repeat five times to begin with , and increase the number as your fitness and strength improve .
30 For those with time to drive outside Torquay , there is the gourmet mecca of Shaun Hill 's Michelin starred food at Gidleigh Park , Chagford ( ) , on the edge of Dartmoor .
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