Example sentences of "one case the " in BNC.

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1 In one case the government simply sold the whole enterprise to private investors such as Amersham International and the Atomic Energy Authority .
2 In one case the Divisional Court held that assault was committed where a woman was frightened by the sight of a man looking in through the window of her house , although there seems to have been little suggestion that the man was threatening to apply force either immediately or at all .
3 Finally these examples in which to consent is to promise refute the suggestion that in one case the purpose is to confer rights and in the other to undertake an obligation .
4 When this happened a much more detailed picture of them and their way of life is usually given ; and in all but one case the memory is strikingly positive .
5 Both areas will be far below optimum today but — and this is the important point — in the one case the land can be brought back to full production easily , whereas in the other case a long and costly process of fertility building will be necessary .
6 In one case the sheet folds in a way that is very similar to the formation of a neural tube ; in another it is very similar to the way the lens forms ; yet in another it is like the early formation of the gut in sea-urchin development .
7 In one case the European Court considered Irish legislation which exempted rural land owned by corporate bodies from compulsory acquisition if all the shareholders had resided for more than one year within three miles of the land .
8 Therefore in one case the Commission refused to apply the provision to a Eurocheque clearing system which , although receiving the support of individual member states , was not established by legislation in those member states .
9 In one case the court confirmed the Commission 's finding that there was evidence of abusive conduct where United Brands ' prices in certain banana markets within the EC were excessive in relation to the economic value of the product supplied and that they differed considerably from one EC market to another .
10 The bibliographer Lowndes , over a hundred years ago , categorically listed eight different title-pages for the first edition of Milton 's Paradise Lost , pointing out such differences as large or small italic capitals for the poet 's name ; in one case the use of his initials only-groups of stars between words , or none ; with or without fleur-de-lis ornaments , etc .
11 In each case , Tab and Dez remain constant ( though secondary Tabs may change ) and the movement is simple ; but in the one case the movement produces no additional spatial information while in the other the spatial information changes at the end of the sign .
12 Both phenomena could , however , be results of the same underlying mechanism : a circumferential tension in the free edge of the epithelium , acting like a purse string , could drive in the one case the contraction of the isolated patch of skin , in the other case the closure of a wound .
13 For instance , in one case the defence counsel tried to establish their client 's case thus — ‘ [ The defendant ] said : ‘ She was not raped at all .
14 The same attempt is being made by all of these writers to distinguish ‘ objective ’ and ‘ context-independent ’ uses from ‘ subjective ’ and ‘ context-dependent ’ uses : in one case the difference is couched in terms of ‘ differences among languages ’ , in another in terms of differences within a language ( elaborated and restricted codes ) , and in yet another in terms of differences between language modes , namely speech and writing .
15 For example , in one case the government sought an interim injunction to restrain a drug company from disobeying a statutory order regulating the price it could charge the NHS for its drugs ; and in a recent series of cases local authorities have sought interim injunctions against traders to restrain them from opening their businesses on Sunday in breach of Sunday trading laws .
16 In two cases the housewife 's father is a regular visitor in the day time , and in one case the father regularly combines a social visit with a trip to the launderette to dry clothes on his daughter 's behalf .
17 In one case the doctor 's name appeared in a promotional brochure as medical adviser to a company marketing an electrical device that was claimed successfully to treat a range of conditions including migraine , arthritis , insomnia , and depression .
18 In one case the opinion was expressed that the foreign affairs powers of the President are extra-constitutional , resting upon the international sovereign status of the United States and the necessity for that country to be able to perform effectively in foreign relations , uninhibited by domestic legal restrictions .
19 Generally speaking , DCSLs advised on availability , choice and the mechanics of acquisition , down to and including the precise way in which order forms were to be completed , but in at least one case the DCSL involved herself more fully in the policy-making deliberations of the school library committee .
20 In one case the articles conferred a right of pre-emption on the other shareholders when any shareholder was ‘ desirous of transferring his ordinary shares . ’
21 In one case the union concerned had balloted its members on several variations of industrial action .
22 In one case the author was involved in , the widow ( after the deed of variation ) was able to convince the CTO that she only considered making the gifts back after a cocktail party she attended and at which the topic of conversation was inheritance tax .
23 In one case the victim was ninety-four and the thieves stole money from a bag attached to her walking frame .
24 The answer is that in the one case the is aspirated ( initial in ‘ turn ’ ) , and in the other case it is not ( being final in ‘ might ’ ) .
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