Example sentences of "one time the " in BNC.

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1 At one time the word ‘ dye ’ was used for exotic colours , such as reds , blues etc , and the word ‘ stain ’ was used when colouring woods to natural wood shades .
2 At one time the FT-SE share index was down 27.5 points .
3 At one time the broadly-based FT-SE share index plunged 42 points .
4 At one time the shares hit 416p .
5 At one time the FT-SE share index was down 34.9 points .
6 At one time the FT-SE was riding 17.2 points higher .
7 At one time the City had an enormous enthusiasm for mergers .
8 It is noteworthy that Ralph Vaughan Williams was at one time the organist here .
9 At one time the answer was ‘ independence of Moscow ’ .
10 At one time The Economist was printed in England and shipped around the world .
11 The extent to which this is an objection to Locke 's actual views will depend , as in the case of the brave officer , on whether they concern what makes a person at one time the same as he is at another , or concern moral matters of praise and blame .
12 One time the doctor puts on rubber gloves and says something to Mum , and she goes out , leaving me sitting on the high bed , dangling my legs .
13 But at one time the story gained such currency that fans were sending pizzas and Chinese meals to Kylie 's Melbourne home .
14 At one time the abbot 's vineyards stretched all the way to the River Severn , from beneath the castle walls where 98 corpses hung after the siege of Shrewsbury described in One Corpse Too Many .
15 Since the church was the work of Pelligrini Tibaldi it means that at one time the two most famous of Milanese architects — Il Pellegrino and L'Alessi — were working in Piazza San Fedele at the same time , the one on the church , and the other on the Palazzo Marino .
16 At one time the big tree was where we all lay on our scarves and mats .
17 A little later , at 7 p.m. , the whole scene was lit up from time to time by electrical discharges , and at one time the cloud above the mountain presented ‘ the appearance of an immense pine tree , with the stem and branches formed with volcanic lightning ’ .
18 It is said to have been at one time the world 's largest spinning mill under one roof .
19 Although there was never a great deal of action , at one time the firm must have done a fair trade as old Mr. Talbot was reputed to be a very wealthy man .
20 At one time the local authority would have provided only one library service — the public library — and if a school did have its own library it would probably have been administered by the public library .
21 One of the most bizarre elements of the whole plutonium jigsaw is the fact that at one time the government sanctioned , at cabinet level , two private companies to own some of the material even though it had been produced by the electricity generating industry .
22 At one time the Kaszubians and their Pomeranian kin had been part of a powerful independent principality : their territory had stretched from the gulf of Danzig westwards to Słupsk ( Stolp ) and the river Słupia ( Stolpe ) , where the small town of Dębnica Kaszubska ( literally : Kaszubian Oaks ) still survives .
23 At one time the Pinot Blanc and the Chardonnay , which used to be erroneously called the Pinot Chardonnay , were considered to be one and the same , which is why there is usually evidence of its existence wherever the Chardonnay is traditionally cultivated .
24 Most peers are disqualified from sitting in the House of Commons ( see below , pp.76–80 ) and it was thus at one time the case that a promising political career could be cut short by the involuntary inheritance of a title .
25 A farming community , existing as a hamlet in ancient times , it probably developed its agricultural resources to fit in with Kilham , which was at one time the chief market town in this part of the East Riding .
26 There are several smart new dwellings here , no doubt built upon the old closes and orchards where at one time the Anabaptists were buried .
27 The ancient church of St Mary , with its beautiful east window , was at one time the parish church of Drypool .
28 At one time the village was owned by the Wilberforce family and during this period it was a thriving community .
29 At one time the village was known as Ticketone , said to be called after a bishop of that time .
30 At one time the best way of travelling between the different parts of the island was by boat .
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