Example sentences of "up every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Have you been trawling the sales and picking up every urn and tub that caught your fancy ?
2 Actually we were n't too happy with the back of the old barn , because although we 'd tried to plug up every hole in the stonework , it was still possible for a determined young owl to squeeze out here and there .
3 In about two or three weeks they 're gon na be digging up every inch of pavement and every inch they can get their hands on .
4 On the other hand , do n't attempt to stop up every opening .
5 Their hardcore following do n't seem to mind though and hype up every chorus of heartache with relish .
6 Their hardcore following do n't seem to mind though and hype up every chorus of heartache with relish .
7 A short silence my breath is held , my ears are picking up every creak and rustle — then : ‘ Ouch !
8 And it was very dark , but I had to go up every night , and I did n't like going up in the dark . ’
9 They were supervised by a Miss Walker who , although she could not dance , also watched over their dances and made them up every night .
10 It is also a comfort that we run in an environment where the whole file system is backed up every night .
11 ‘ Luci Hayter looked as if she 'd been up every night for a week .
12 Lifetable analysis — In a study of this kind , it is rarely possible to follow up every patient until they either relapse or successfully complete the trial .
13 " Big hot bricks ; glow red hot in the stoves ; I 'll have some sent up every mealtime ; should last until next one ; you can warm hands on them .
14 They 've used all their timber stores and cut up every bucket and table and door to make all those fighting platforms and towers , so they can hardly have plugs for their cannon , and they wo n't have any fuel except dung .
15 They gave up every kind of luxury and frequently bathed in cold water .
16 She has painstakingly cooked , boned and chopped up every morsel for her fusspot .
17 The ITTO is in a perfect position to demand from its members better practices , such as felling secondary forest rather than primary , chopping up every part of a felled tree so that it is all used ( this is not the case in many areas ) and replanting after a section of forest has been cleared .
18 Work habits ( such as waking up every day to an alarm clock ) that often flow over into responsible social attitudes ( such as being a good father ) are not being learnt .
19 He woke up every day and went to work at the ice-cream parlour , but he began to hate the taste , the sight , the very thought of it .
20 There are serums to smooth , sprays to add bounce and spritz 's to enhance shine and because sets are such big news this season , new products are springing up every day !
21 ‘ After Christmas I shall be travelling up every day . ’
22 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we saw in the town meetings , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them together saying we want our future back .
23 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them saying we want our future back . ’
24 ‘ He 's brilliant , he 's happy , he wakes up every day joyous and he never holds a grudge for more than about three minutes .
25 ‘ Not that a case like this comes up every day .
26 Like an unearthly cross between Paul McCartney , Gerry Sadowitz and someone you beat up every day at school , Louis is Kinky Machine 's trump card , illegally bad leather jacket cast aside to reveal bare chest within seconds , silly guitar played above the head on all-too-many occasions , halfway-house haircut shaken at the crowd as if he 's trying to violently throw off a wig .
27 Yes , I think I do find housework monotonous , if you think one has to get up , make the beds every day , wash up every day , one should dust every day — I mean it is monotonous , is n't it ?
28 I adored it — the glamour , the feeling of being in the hub of things which I love — I love clothes — I used to make up every day and make myself look nice and meet people … to me it was n't work , every minute of it was enjoyment …
29 At the time of going to press more than 150 fragments of classical statues had been recovered and more finds were being brought up every day .
30 Fine , attribute it to your aftershave for all I care , as long as you recognize that opportunities as encouraging as those you now face do n't crop up every day .
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